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Once everything was settled, Elaine ordered the refugees to pack up and move. While the presence of Captain Titus meant that their chances of survival had dramtically increased, she wasn't willing to risk staying a bit longer and have the giant fight the entirety of the Scourge. Massively skilled as he was, judging from the voice, there was no way that giant could take on their enemy. Her men formed a protective ring for the refugees, the first and last defense for them. Their rifleman however sat on top of the wagons of the refugees, forming their defenses from any aerial attacks. 

She and what remained of her horsemen divided themselves, some were at the very back keeping watch while the remaining knights rode with her. And walking right next to them was the giant, striding forward as if he was just taking a jaunt through the park. Despite that, those red lenses of his were alert and scanning for targets, Elaine could see. 

"This convoy is moving too slow, Captain," stated Titus, taking quick glances to the mass of humanity lumbering with him. He was way faster than these people and even his normal pace would be too much for them and so, he had to considerably slow down just to be at their level. 

"It is not their fault," sighed Elaine as she slumped on her saddle. "They have lost their homes, their lives are gone. They are hungry, tired, and scared. Do not blame them." 

It had been many weeks since the Capitol City had fallen and the undead were either scattering and burning Lordaeron as they went. Word had spread that they were all to join forces with Jaina Proudmoore who had a plan to save them all. With no other option left for her and the people that went with her, to Proudmoore was where they will go. 

"What started all this, Captain?" Titus questioned. If he was going to be stuck here in awhile, he would have to know the lay of the land. And knowing what started this Kingdom of Lordaeron to fall would be a good start. While they were not Imperials, they were still humans and the light of the Emperor protected all, even the lost members of their race. 

"It started with treachery," Elaine spat, disgust and hatred dripping as she spoke. "That bastard Arthas returned from Northrend, proclaiming that the troubles of our Kingdom were at an end then he went forward and slew our King in his own Light-damned throne-room!"

She was not at the Capitol City when it all happened, being stationed at quainty village in the Trisfal Glades. It was a good posting, as far as she was concerned. Then the Scourging happened and she had to lead the remainder of the village and whatever survivors she encountered out of there. She then continued. "From there, Lordaeron burned. With the king dead and many of our leaders slain, we were headless chickens running around to be slaughtered. It was just recently we had found out that Jaina Proudmoore was gathering the remains of the Alliance with her and sail west."

At hearing the word treachery, Titus frowned. The Ultramarine Captain was no stranger to it as the Imperium itself suffered from it, from the Horus Heresy and the miscreant traitors that sided with the Emperor's once-favored son, to his own gene-father Roboute Guilliman nearly getting killed by Fulgrim, and once more in his recent experience, to the Chaos Sorceror Nemeroth masquerading as one of the Holy Inquisition's own agents to get Titus to bring Graia into the  dubious mercies of Chaos. He was however glad that even in this world and with lesser technology, mankind still continued on despite what it suffered and it still had those willing to stand and lead rather than bowing their heads and succumbing to fate. 

He would be glad to meet this Jaina Proudmoore. Time would however tell if she was going to be up to the task or not. 

"Still, and despite everything, you are quite alive, Captain," mused Titus as he glanced at the other knights and footmen. "You and your men. That is something remarkable and means that there is still hope for humanity. By living, we defy fate and certainly, you defy this...Scourge." 

"I suppose," Elaine muttered, quite unclear in what the giant meant but she could grasp that by living, she and the people with her were certainly spiting that bastard Arthas who had taken it upon himself to make sure the land was desolate. 

She rather liked that image, of Arthas gritting his teeth as he knew that no matter what he did, the remains of Lordaeron's people would escape and fight another day. 

"What can you tell me of this Jaina Proudmoore?" Titus asked. Elaine shook her head out of her thoughts and gave Titus a queer look. 

"You've never heard of Jaina Proudmoore?" Elaine said questioningly. 

"I have not, since I have just arrived today," Titus replied. 

Well that explains why, Elaine supposed. Clearing her throat, she continued. "I haven't really met her before but Jaina Proudmoore's one of the best wizards the Alliance got. She's from Kul Tiras, the Admiral's daughter I hear. And now, she's going to be the hope of the Alliance with that plan of hers." 

At the mention of wizards, Titus felt himself tense. Wizadry, Sorcery, such acts that went on without supervision or guidance was not just something that was frowned in Imperial space but something that was absolutely illegal. Untrained psykers had brought about the Dark Age of Technology, and even trained psykers themselves could be corrupted by the Ruinous Powers, Magnus and his Thousand Sons legion came to mind. 

"Take a hold of yourself," Titus urged himself. He had to remember that he was not in Imperial Space and these humans had not been touched by the grace of the Emperor. Rouboute Guilliman was not prone to rash action and rash decisions and he wouldn't stain his gene-father by doing something that wouldn't be taken into consideration first. He wasn't going to hate these humans, no, hate was for the xeno, the mutant, and the heretic. He was going to protect them, as was his duty as an Astartes, but also slowly bring them into the Imperium's fold. 

Besides, he and this pocket of humanity was alone. For now, they would have to endure making compromises for the proper time to strike. 

Well, as long as no one started worshipping idols with an eight-pointed star or abandon their humanity for some promise of power or reward then personally, Titus had no issue. He wasn't a Black Templar after all. 

"Your wizards," Titus slowly began. "From where do they draw their power? Do they worship deities with eight-pointed stars?" 

"I am not a mage, sir," admitted Elaine, pondering on why the giant was asking her these questions. "If Eleazer hadn't been killed, our resident Kirin Tor mage, I'm sure he would be able to tell you. As for deities with eight-pointed stars, I have never heard of such things. We worship the Light, not scruffy idols." 

Her mind went back to Eleazer, a fresh and eager soul recently inducted into the Kirin Tor. He had wanted to show off that he alone had enough power to defend the camp only for a bunch of ghouls to overpower and tear him to pieces. 

"I see," drawled Titus. "Then I shall have no issues." 

Elaine hummed, eyeing the giant up and down. So far, it had been him asking questions and her answering. She had to be honest that she did have some questions. And now, it was her chance. 

"Where do you come from, Captain? And what are you?" she questioned, burning curiosity in her mind. Titus allowed himself to smile as he humored her questions. While he was not diplomat, he was going to do his best to show what the Imperium was for the humans of this world. 

"To answer your second question first, Captain, I must certainly look like a giant or a automaton perhaps. I assure you I am none of those and underneath this armor, I am human. Though I have been genetically-enhanced in ways your people cannot yet grasp, I am at my core, a human," Titus revealed. At the revelation, Elaine's eyes widened and not too few knights turned their heads at him. |

"Y-you're human?" Elaine said in shock. "You're joking!"

How could this gigantic beast be human? Sure enough, there was a hiss as the helmet came off and a man's face was revealed. His features were striking, chistled, scarred and strong. His hair was black and cut short. Right around his forehead were twin metal piercings whose purpose Elaine did not know. What was the most striking feature about Titus for Elaine were his eyes. They were sort of a light gray-green combination and coupled with his looks gave him quite an authoritative look. 

"I am not joking, I'm afraid. Astartes humor is difficult to grasp for non-Astartes," quipped Titus, his voice a rich baritone that was pleasant to Elaine's ears. 

"And now, to answer your first question, I come from up there," Titus remarked, pointing a single finger upwards. 

"You came from the heavens?" deadpanned Elaine. Titus nodded as he put his helmet back on. 

"Indeed. The Imperium of Man is a realm with a million worlds whose citizens are as many as the stars themselves. It is ruled by the God-Emperor of Mankind who sits in his Throne at our homeworld, Terra. There he lights the Astronomican which guides our ships as they sail the stars," narrated Titus. 

"Millions of us, huh," whispered Elaine, still struggling to grasp what Titus had told her. A part of her wanted to call out the Space Marine as a liar but he was literal living proof of what he saw claiming. She then thought of the Space Marine and how he fought and immediately, her mind went to ask the most important question she had. 

"How soon can the Imperium find us, Captain? Surely, there would be more of you?" asked Elaine, looking at the Ultramarine and imaging many others like him in the same armor and turning the Scourge into paste. 

"I pray soon, Captain Elaine, for it would seem that your world desperately needs our help," Titus pointed out. Elaine raised an eyebrow at that. 

"What do you mean?" she questioned. In reply, Titus lifted a finger and pointed at the distance. It was then that the familiar smell of burning flesh filtered through her nostrils. Immediately, she turned and her mouth dropped. 

Their orders were to assemble at the many port towns that were on the coast of western Lordaeron and there, ships were waiting to take them to assemble with Jaina Proudmoore. 

Kenton was one such port town and it was there they were supposed to get evacuated. In front of her lied Kenton. 

And it was burning.


A/N: Here's the next chapter of Know No Fear. I have to admit, I'm enjoying myself writing this. 


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