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They arrived at Markarth late in the afternoon. She was riding ahead on the column when they marched up the fork road that connected Markarth with the rest of Skyrim. She first saw the bronze domed roofs, then as the army drew closer, she saw the towers, the walls, and the massive bronze gates of Markarth.

The city was massive, the Dwemer having built it after cutting through the mountain's face and using the stone to form the outer layer of Markarth. What she and the rest of the army was seeing was really the exterior of a much more massive city. 

And in the orange glow of the setting sun, Markarth loomed ominously like it was a fortress of evil.

From her reading of its history, it was once a city of the Dwemer, her people's ancient enemy. When the Dwemer mysteriously vanished, the city was abandoned until the Reachmen moved in. They occupied it until Balgruuf's ancestor, Olaf One-Eye, became High King and expelled the Reachmen. Now, the Reachmen had pushed the Nords out and it was up to the combined armies of Whiterun and Jarl Hrofldir's survivors to restore Nord rule. 

As they settled into the siege, the Nordic armies were focused in setting up a siege camp and establishing a perimeter that would isolate the city from potential reinforcements and supplies. No messenger was sent to the city, nor did the Reachmen inside send someone to talk to them. 

Perhaps they were considering how to respond or some such thing, Irileth did not know. What she knew however was that the next days and nights were going to be difficult and she would have to rest up and await for orders.

Night came and the army rested for what was to come in the following morning. Not so for her however as she stood outside the command tent where the leaders of the army were having one last meeting. She wasn't alone though, there were other guards there and a young female Redguard was impatiently tapping her gauntlets as she sat on a crate.

She briefly considered starting a conversation with the woman, if only to pass the time, but then the tent flaps opened and out came the men who were their lords. Jarl Hrolfdir went out first, his face glum. Afterwards was his son, Igmund, determination in his eyes. The redguard immediately went up to the man and excitedly started chatting. 

Irileth tore her attention away from them as Balgruuf came out, looking worse for wear. Briefly, worry filled her but seeing that numerous eyes were on them, being a bit affectionate would raise questions. 

The last thing Balgruuf needed was for busybodies asking him questions. 

"My lord," Irileth greeted him. 

"Walk with me," Balgruuf groaned. Irileth nodded as they made their way from the Command Tent to Balgruuf's very own. As soon as they came in, Balgruuf made his way to a nearby chair and planted himself firmly on it. 

She followed after him and made her way to her own cot. As Balgruuf's Housecarl (Unofficially), she had a right to sleep with him. 

To better protect him of course. 

It was all part of a housecarl's duty. 

Oh gods, why did she phrase it that way. Now she was blushing and oh by the love of-

"Someone's having a good time," Balgruuf remarked, amusement laced in his voice. The dunmer frowned and forced her thoughts of her mind. It wasn't the time for it after all. 

"What was discussed in the tent, Balgruuf?" she started. In their private moments, there was no formalities. It was just Irileth and Balgruuf. Now that she thought about it, it was almost as if they were husband and wife. 

Now she was blushing again. 

Stupid brain and stupid feelings. 

"We just agreed on how the war was going to go," Balgruuf began as he stood up once more to unclasp his armor. Irileth stood as well, walking over to help him. 

"And?" Irileth continued, her blush dying down as she reached for the straps on Balgruuf. 

"It was agreed that talks of reperations would have to wait after we were victorious. We mostly discussed on how the siege was going to be conducted." Balgruuf added, "Definitely no looting, nor was there going to be burnings or such. It would be counter-productive for the Jarl of Markarth to burn down his own keep." 

Irileth nodded, her fingers wrapping around Balgruuf's chest plate. "And?"

"Jarl Hrolfdir was adamant though in extracting revenge on the rebellious Reachmen. The leaders of the rebellion would all be executed, no exceptions." Balgruuf momentarily sucked in a breath as she briefly brushed her hand against his groin. 

They locked eyes. 

"Continue, my lord," Irileth whispered, as she wrapped her arms around him to reach for the straps on his back. She made sure to press herself fully against him. She smirked as his eyes went down to her chest.

"F-for now, we are to focus on establishing a p-perimeter. W-when that is established, w-we are going to attack," As he talked, Irileth slowly slid her hand around and down to him, and stroked him through his undergarment. 

She smirked as she felt him harden. 

"Sounds exciting," she said airily. "But for now, we must rest, Balgruuf." She pulled back from him and turned around. "Would you mind helping me get my armor off, my lord?" 

Baglruuf said nothing as he marched forward, pressing himself against her. She bit her lip as she felt his length rest against her back. She let out a breath as she felt his rough hands land on her straps. The Dunmer heaved in a breath as the man fondled and molested her, erstwhile taking her armor off one by one. 

When he was taking off her chestplate, he brushed against her chest. When he was reaching for her chest straps, he started rubbing his length against her back. She pushed against him, maneuvering herself to pleasure him better. 

Eventually, their armor was all gone, and only their small-clothes remained. Irileth broke free from their foreplay and marched to a nearby table. She bent over, presenting her rear to him. She pulled aside her wet smallclothes, and used her fingers to open up her wet sex to her lover. 

"Please," Irileth whispered. 

Without a word, Balgruuf slid down his smallclothes and marched to her, his length fully hard and erect. Excitement bristled in Irileth as Balgruuf took position behind her and-

"Ooh!" She yelped in surprise as Balgruuf slapped her rear. 

"You have a cute little ass, Iri," he remarked. 

Blushing furiously, the Dunmer dug her nails into the table. "Shut up and fuck me, you Nordi-"

Her eyes widened as something thick and hard entered her folds. "Ooooooh.....yes......" the Dunmer growled huskily. 

Ever since they left Whiterun, they never had a chance to have moment privately to themselves. That made her a tad bit...wanting. And now that they were finally alone, Irileth was going to have her due, and if anyone dared take that from her, she was going to skin them slowly and leave them out to dry in the sun. 

Irileth moaned wantonly as Balgruuf picked up the pace and slammed in and out of her, massaging her inner walls with his thickness. She liked it rough, and Balgruuf was more than capable of roughing her up. 

Her mouth watered as Balgruuf grabbed a fistful of her crimson red hair and pulled her back. A rough hand went and squeezed her breast, making her want to be debased even more. She whimpered as rough lips kissed her and a tongue was forced into her mouth. 

"Mhmp! Mrmm! MHUM!" she moaned wildly as she was pulled even closer against his wet and swating chest, his thrusts even harder than before.  

She was a whore. At this moment, she was a toy for her lover's pleasure. She was a nasty dirty little slut that loved being played and roughed up. 

He fucked her, he pounded her, he made her his whore. 

He was her master. 

They both groaned into each other's mouths as they both climaxed. Irileth felt her heart leap as thick and warm seed sputtered deep into her belly. They two of them melted as they felt the last of their climax leave them, and they collapsed on the table. 


The next morning came, Irileth found herself in a wind-swept field, shadowing the man that had just used her holes like a beast in heat. 

Earlier, the Reachmen had finally made a move and sent a party of men calling themselves ambassadors wanting to talk. They had set a table and sat there, waiting for the Nords to send someone to talk to them. 

The Jarls and their Jarlings, accompanied by their housecarls and a small force went out to meet them. Instead of seating themselves however, they remained on their mounts and looked down at the Reachmen. 

The Reachmen refused to react however, and stared at them coolly. 

Diplomacy wasn't exactly part of her skills, yet even she could tell that the talks would all be for nothing. 

"I am Nepos, Chief Advisor to my master and King, Madanach. He has authorized me to treat with you, my lords. What are your demands to the King of the Reach?" he began. 

From his seat, Jarl Hrolfdir bristled but held his tongue as Jarl Heorot spoke. It was his right, as he had the most men. "Our demands are simple. The leaders of this insurrection, including your so-called King must surrender immediately. Do so and the lives and property of those that followed them will be spared." 

"Or do not, and we shall take both," Jarl Hrolfdir added. 

"We reject those terms," Nepos said flatly. 

"Then what are we doing here with this farce?" said Jarl Hrolfdir. 

"Because we have a counter-offer. My King offers his allegiance to High King Torygg, to serve as his vassal. He also offers his grand-daughter as a ward to the court in Solitude, to be raised as a Nord as well as an offer of payment to Jarl Heorot for the expenses incurred from bringing his army to Markarth." Nepos closed with finality. 

Irileth blinked. 

Well, damn. 

Even if she wasn't attuned with politics, even Irileth saw that was a pretty good deal. Thinking about it, the reason why they were here was to deal with the Reachmen rebelling. If they accepted it, then the Reachmen would integrate themselves into Skyrim, become a vassal of the High King, and a member of their royal family would be sent to Solitude to basically be a hostage. 

She glanced at Balgruuf to see his reaction and saw the surprise in his face. 

"Absolutely not!" Jarl Hrolfdir protested. "You have no right nor authority to offer anything to anyone!" 

Jarl Heorot glanced at Jarl Hrolfdir, and was silent for a minute. Perhaps he was thinking about the offered deal? For a moment, Irileth thought that Jarl Heorot would accept the deal but then he shook his head and frowned. 

"The High King has demanded your surrender, not your fealty. We have been charged to remove you and restore Jarl Hrolfdir to his seat. There shall be no alterations," Jarl Heorot closed. 

Nepos leaned forward, clasping his hands as he did. "I shall remind you, my lords, that the advantage here is with us. Our stores are greater, our patience wider. All we need to do is outlast the world, my lords. How many men can you throw at us before you are exhausted?"


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