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General Ironwood sat on his seat, arms crossed, as his mind debated. The noise of the bullhead's engines did not register to him as he mulled.

It had been weeks since the Miracle of the 33, as the pundits had put it, and what a miracle it was. By all rights, the miners should have all been dead either crushed by rubble or just wholesale starved from the experience. Be it the will of the Brother-Gods or just fate, they did not. They were all dug from the pit they were trapped in and raised above ground. As the number of the survivors reached up, he had ordered the slow withdrawal of everyone in that mine starting with the non essential personnel on the Destroyers. They deployed their Atlesian Knight complement to plug the gap left by the slowly dwindling defenders. This process repeated itself until finally, they were able to get out of that hell hole. Much equipment had to be left behind but it was a necessary decision to get them all home.

As soon as they arrived, the miners were rushed to a hospital while he had much more important business to do, such as 'convincing' General Conrad to settle onto a vacation lest he share the fate of Jacques Schnee, languishing in a cell tailored just for him.

But that was something dwell on another time as he glanced outside his window, his eyes beholden to the lights of Atlas. The night had no power here, what with the shining light of the greatest city on Remnant. In a metaphorical sense, Atlas conquered the night already with its technology and dust. Now it would have to conquer it in the literal sense, the night meaning the Grimm.

Again, their capacity to wage war against the Grimm were entirely inadequate. The Atlesian Military, armed with the very best and cutting edge technology that the Kingdom could provide, found itself outgunned by Mistralian relics led by the heiress of a lost Empire. That simply could not do. If things were as they were, they would have turned to the SDC what with the contracts the military was already locked in with them. But without the pressure of Jacques Schnee, there were already calls to diversify.

And they all turned to Royal and Imperial, the company whose foundry he was about to enter.

Ironwood had been keeping track of them since they released their Frontier series. He had seen their heavy hitters, the Buzzsaw and the Deuce respectively, perform with impressive results. Compared to the dust weaponry that the SDC equipped the military with, they and the rest of the Frontier line had no contest in the looks department and utility, the SDC arms capable of utilizing different forms of dust. The Frontier arms simply killed. No finesse, no frills, it simply killed.

As a military man, Ironwood appreciated that fact. He also appreciated the ease of use that those weapons had, how they didn't need specialized talent to fix it. He had read reports from his own troops and officers present in the battle and they had noted that the Buzzsaw in particular could lay down a rate of fire of a thousand rounds per minute, only replacing the overheated barrel with a new one after it got hot.

To think that R&I did that with a shoe-string budget. He could only imagine what they could do with a bigger one.

And that was why he was here, to find out what they could do.

The bullhead landed softly and he took a step out into the snow. He blinked as his eyes settled on his welcome party.

"General Ironwood, welcome to the Foundry!" Alexander Wayland greeted him, standing tall and proud in his blue uniform. Next to him stood a man wearing armor Ironwood had seen in history books. He was very real however and the sword on his back did not look like it was for show.

Ironwood stepped forward, nodding towards the Royal and Imperial heir. "Mister Wayland," he greeted him pleasantly. He could afford to be pleasant since they weren't fighting for their lives unlike in the mine. Again, Ironwood could not help but feel bemused that Wayland was wearing a military uniform but his allegiance was to his company. A pity. He would have been an excellent Specialist.

"I hope you don't mind us skipping the pleasantries, General," Alexander said as he gestured towards the door to the far end of the landing pad. "We have a long night ahead of us."

Ironwood nodded. "I don't mind. Better we get to business immediately," he stated, pleased that Alexander didn't stand for needless ceremony. He could appreciate that bluntness.

"How's the council if you do not mind me asking?" Alexander asked as he lead the way, his bodyguard trailing them.

"Locked in debate," Ironwood answered curtly. The less he was inside the Council Chambers, the better. It was clear to him that politics wasn't really his ken. His excursion to the Foundry was a great stress relief since it could finally get him to what he liked the most, defending Atlas.

"I won't trouble you with more questions then," Alexander said with a nod, sensing his exhaustion. Ironwood smiled slightly at that, thankful that someone was deciding to not bring up politics again. Geyer was a lone woman but she made up for it in presence. Ferdinand was similarly alone as well but the old fossil could argue.

They entered the building and Ironwood left his jacket on a coat-rack. Inside, men in Wayland blue uniforms patrolled the halls or stood by certain places as they walked. All offered him crisp salutes.

"Silver Shields," Ironwood recognized them. As a student of history, he could recognize notable units from Remnant's past.  "How did you find them?"

"Oh, they were lounging in the Valean countryside, bored out of their minds," Alexander replied, nodding to the SS men around. He smiled. "Atlas has laws that forbid anyone having heavy equipment except for the military, licensed Huntsmen, and licensed mercenary groups. Royal and Imperial could have organized a new one from scratch and get bogged down with paperwork or we could just hire an existing one."

Ironwood knew which law he was talking about, the Atlesian License to Carry Act or ALCA. It was drawn up in response to the fantastical weapons that Huntsmen carried and even if the Grimm was around, the state wasn't just going to let the random citizen have weapons that could be turned against the Kingdom.

"The military exists for a reason, Mister Wayland," Ironwood said, reminding his host again that Atlas would be safe thanks to them.

"Whatever worries you have for the Silver Shields, General, just ask them. ALCA subjects us to scrutiny by the Kingdom after all. If we would be doing something drastic, the Kingdom would be the first to know," Alexander attempted to assuage him. As charming as he was, Ironwood still had to keep up a measure of wariness against large private armies, particularly if they carried heavy weapons. Then again, ALCA did also limit their capabilities to below that of the military. Should anything untoward happen, the military still carried the bigger stick.

"But we aren't here for that, we are here to discuss inventory. And what inventory I have for you," Alexander continued, gesturing to a door.

Ironwood stepped inside.


"Before I begin, I must state that the items which have been prepared for your review, General, are the most basic. If there are any lacking elements, do let me know," I began just as Ironwood took his seat.

"Is your father not going to join us?" Ironwood asked, looking around the relatively empty room.

I shook my head. "Father is in the middle of negotiations, General. With massive orders coming, he is trying to organize the purchase of another factory."

"I see," Ironwood nodded. "Let us hear what you have for me then."

I began without skipping a beat. "To start with, we have for you two types of shoulder-mounted rocket launchers, the Rocket Propelled Grenade or RPG - 7 and the Carl Gustav." With a click, the holo-table whirred as images of said weapon systems appeared.

"The RPG is a shoulder-launched, reusable, unguided anti-Grimm rocket launcher and the Carl Gustav is the same, albeit-"

"If I may," Ironwood interrupted. "The technical details are impressive but what I most would like to know is its function and ammunition. "

"And the cost?" I asked innocently.

"Irrelevant," Ironwood narrowed.

"Of course, sir," I nodded, clearing my throat and trying my best not to smile.

"The RPG is very light to the point that units undergoing long-range missions can use it as a point defense weapon to hit large Grimm. The Carl Gustav on the other hand is slightly heavier, intended mostly for slower or stationary units. Both can fire dust-core warheads or again, Dustless rockets."

"Dustless?" Ironwood asked, raising an eyebrow.

I nodded. "The Frontier series has been very popular. We see no reason to pause providing dustless variants. Now, onto squad-level support."

There was another click as the holo-table changed the images.

"The function of a mortar is to provide fire support to the infantry. It is light, can be carried anywhere and everywhere without the need for specialized equipment. For example, a team of them could be deployed to a remote location and air support cannot be provided. There comes the mortar, capable of providing them fire support until heavier support is made available."

Ironwood nodded, his eyes glazed over the holo-projector of the items I mentioned. I then continued. "It can fire smoke shells to mark an area or conceal troops, High-Explosive Dust shells, the explosion depending on the Dust type, or a conventional explosive shell made from a special chemical compound derived by the Company."

"Next up, the Flak cannon. It has a very high muzzle velocity meaning longer range and high penetration. This artillery piece can function to shoot at unusually large Grimm, change into a anti-aicraft gun for big targets, and serve both in a stationary role as point-defense gun or mounted on a vehicle." I explained.

"Crew operated?"

I nodded. "Yes, General. Even now, not everything we have is automated. And besides, this gun is intended to be in non-priority areas that required heavy firepower but not important enough for the more expensive equipment."

"You are thinking about cost," General Ironwood noted.

I smiled sheepishly. "Old habits die hard. But there is still so much more if as you say, money is going to be of no issue."

"It isn't," General Ironwood assured me. "You saw as I did that Atlas has deficiencies. We need those deficiencies plugged lest Atlas be caught in a terrible situation that we cannot salvage."

My memories sparked to the dreadful defense of Atlas at Volume 8.

"You are correct there," I nodded with a smile. "Continuing on, support artillery with 105 and 155 mm. The function is self-explanatory, to provide long range fire support. A few batteries of either, you can saturate an area with shells and ruin whatever Grimm is deciding to lounge there. I have thought about providing a missile battery, lobbing missiles instead of traditional artillery but-"

"Add it in," Ironwood interrupted.

I did a double take. "Sir?"

"We have missiles in our employ albeit they are produced by the SDC. With the existing missiles in our stockpile, all we need is a means to launch them. Design a way to deliver that both as a stationary battery and on a vehicle," Ironwood suggested, or demanded. I did not particularly care how he said, only that he wanted something made.

"You've read my report, I assume?" Ironwood asked. I nodded.

"Then you are also familiar with our deficiencies with transport and air support?" Ironwood asked. I was of course aware of that. The Bullhead and the Manta did not provide both firepower and transport capability.

"Luckily for you, General, we just have the thing for you," I grinned, clicking on another button.

A new image appeared. It's body was saucer like, made so to shield its core engine. The front was vulture-like, with two cockpits instead of housing a droid-brain. No way in hell was I going to let this thing rely on the CCT not while I had no idea where Watts was.

"For your heavy aerial support needs, the Royal and Imperial Crocodile. Armaments? One 30 mm autocannon, two chin mounted 23 mm autocannons, and 14 unguided missile pods. If the missle pods aren't to your satisfaction, they can be used with our existing missile stock or shifted into a Atlesian Knight transport platform. It will have a small shield generator, meaning it can stay in action and take a beating. The power, supplied by a dual gravity and electric dust engine." I beamed. What was the Star Wars HMP if not a space Hind?

The Hind or Flying Tank could be used but nevermores and lancers would eat helicopters alive. It wouldn't exactly out of the capacity of Atlas to produce as the Manta engine could be appropriated for power. The only thing that was new was the design.

"With this, our brave boys and girls will not have to fear about getting out-gunned when they can go and call one of these over when they are outclassed in a fight."

"Deploying five of these would mean rapid deployment of Atlesian Knights in heavy combat zones, plugging lines under risk," Ironwood hummed to himself. "What is its speed?"

"As it would rely on the Manta engine, roughly the same speed," I replied.

"I see," Ironwood muttered, rubbing his chin. "Size?"

"11 meters width, a height of 3.1 meters, and a length of 12.3 meters. Tad Smaller than a Bullhead and can be deployed from our airships or stationed as Close Air Support." I informed him.

Ironwood listened quietly and did the calculations inside of his head, imagining how Atlas could used the offered items.

With RPG's and Carl Gustavs, the most basic squad would have access to capable piercing power against large Grimm. Most Grimm could be brought down by conventional fire, both from bullets and lasers, but there existed plated Grimm that needed something heavier too. He was already considering recommending the Deuce and Buzzsaw both as heavy and light machine guns for squads. Adding in the Royal and Imperial arms would offer them bigger support fire. Then, there were the mortars. A squad in the field could call in for fire support and it would rain down on wherever they needed it, the larger 105 and 155 pieces required for bigger punches.

Then, there was the Crocodile. It was absurd that Atlas didn't have a dedicated transport for its robotic units, considering how much the Council was spending on their creation. He was aware that it was an SDC creation but robotic units were still useful in situations where they needed an area cleaned of Grimm but were unwilling to spend the lives of men.

He could see it now, a bombardment of the artillery pieces to flatten an area then sending Crocodiles to secure the area while organic forces marched up, set up shop with the Flak cannons. A beachhead could be secured. Ironwood had an idea regarding the 88's use, remembering the Wayland's comment regarding areas that needed fire support but were unimportant to justify heavier equipment. He was going to make them for his SIlver Shield mercenaries, equipping them with Grimm-busting guns in the frontiers, as was their business.

As long as he kept such things outside of Atlas. There was no reason to setup such heavy guns in Solitas, not when the military was there.

"How many can you produce and how soon?" General Ironwood decided.

"We will have the lighter munitions out in a month. The heavier ones, in two months." I swore. I watched as Ironwood stood up.

"Prototypes first. I wish to see how they handle. If they are impressive, Royal and Imperial will have its contracts and more," Ironwood said. I nodded. That was fair.

I then raised an eyebrow. "And more?"

He nods. "Atlas is undergoing a weapons program to provide heavy ground support. But with the fate of the SDC in question, I have doubts if it will continue. If Royal and Imperial pulls through, then we will have someone new to take care of that program."

Oh. He was talking about the Paladin program.


He wants us to make him mechs?

"What sort of ground support, sir?" I asked. Better to know his parameters before going back to the drawing board. 

"Mechanized, relying on the most cutting edge technology and equipment that we have. That is all for now," Ironwood revealed. If this was the Paladin program, I assumed that this project wasn't just to provide heavy ground support but to show off Atlas's capabilities and toys. That was how I saw the Paladin mech then, a shiny toy, and its lackluster performance during the Battle of Atlas proved that it was tin weight. 

"Anything else?" I asked, taking out my scroll and typing down what he had asked for earlier. 

"A point-defense system capable of rapid-fire, to target Grimm primarily flying but being multi-purpose will help," He added. "Further guns for squads, crew-operated for static defense. Further fire support options," And thus we sat back down, myself listening on, as the General asked for a laundry list of items. I had a moment to think if Ironwood had the authority to ask for this but then again, this was Atlas. He was a General, sure, but the Headmaster of the Academy here. 

Actually, I should ask him. 

"Sir, a question, if I may," I asked, halting Ironwood.

"You are asking so much. If I remember, General Conrad is the Chief of our Armed Forces," I pointed out, leaving out the implication that he was the one who I should be speaking to about other orders. Ironwood took my question in stride.

"General Conrad will be vacating his position soon. I am empowered to act in his place until the Council chooses someone to replace him," He explained. "I may sit on the Council as the head of the Academy but I am also a General in the military. Because of my proximity, I am temporarily filling in." 

I was pretty damn sure that the shakers and movers in the Council picked him to sit there because of his newfound popularity and his 'temporary' acting in was just a show to groom him into the position before he sits there. 

Atlas, like most of the other Kingdoms, is ruled by a Council of Five. It is a holdover from the old system; a Council answering to the ruling monarch. With the loss of the monarchy, the Council was empowered. Five seats for the sectors of society; the military, the economy, the city, the outskirts, and the academy. Holding one seat held interests of who they represented. By law, it was equal. 

Ironwood was going to be a powerful figure in the council, taking in both seats once he's officially placed. 

​And he was going to give the company a blank cheque, should we deliver. 

​Deliver we will. 


​A/N: This chapter ate me. Too much research broke my noodle brain. Technical shit always fucks me up.



Come now there’s one vehicle that when infantry needs something heavily armored removed they call upon it even has a comforting sound “Brrrrrrrr”

King Henry V

Surprised at the lack of a unified tracked platform option with different functions from SPG to Troop Carrier and Armored Combat vehicle


It’s what Woody wants, woody gets. He’s going to be paying us to make him stuff, not write doctrine for him and that’s fine. For the SS (lmao), attention will be much more critical.