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An hour ago, Emerald feared she was going to be surrendered to the police for stealing. Now, she was trying her best to look presentable in a room she could have only dreamt about in her wildest dreams. Seated on a fine fluffy chair, she winced as the fluffy hat man spoke with the red eyes man.

"You know, boy. When people of your caliber go to amuse themselves, they go and buy cute souvenirs from the little shops. Not pick up street urchins," he spoke. Emerald didn't like fluffy hat man. He sounded harsh and rough, like he had been shouting most of his life. He was also old too, grey-haired and leathery.

"She's not just a street urchin, she's Emerald," the red eyes man said, his voice smooth and amused. Emerald liked him the most. He had red eyes, just like hers. Albeit with white skin and hair. She had a thought that she and him could be related in someway but her skin was tanned.

"The old fart's name is Land and I am Alexander Wayland," Red Eyes man introduced himself. No...Alexander introduced himself.

"As you say," rumbled Land. He looked towards Alexander, eyes narrow. "What do you plan to do with her?"

​A spike of fear shot up through Emerald. Was he really going to...?

Instead, Alex's face blanched in disgust. "Absolutely not!" he snapped. Taking a breath, he calmed down as he massaged the bridge of his nose.

"I could use an assistant in my work. Emerald here is capable, her semblance can be beneficial with proper training, y'know." He explained.

​Emerald sat up a little bit straighter at the praise. They were talking about her power, her semblance. She could talk about that! "I..." she hated her voice sounded weak. Red eyes man and Fluffy hat man spoke properly. She needed to learn how to speak like them.

"Speak up, girl," Land rumbled.

​"I can make images!" Emerald cried out. Her cheeks reddened when she realized she had yelled it out and the two other men looked at her with surprise. She sorely wished that she could curl into a bowl and die. Instead, Alex laughed and Land smiled slightly.

"Well. Looks like you got lungs on you, eh?" The old soldier praised. He nodded. "You have a voice, girl. Don't let it be silent."

"...Okay," Emerald muttered, crossing her legs.

"Anyway," Alex's voice spoke up, earning a look from both her and Land. "Land and I must be heading off now for business."

He gave her a smiling look. "Emerald, I want you to stay here and enjoy whatever stuff this hotel has to offer. There are clothes in the closet and you can go and take a shower in the bathroom. If you are hungry, there's a menu book there that you can look at. Just dial up the front desk and say it's a room charge, okay?"

Emerald thought of what she could do. This really was happening, was it? Well...he did say she could sleep and change clothes, and order as much food as she wants.

She nodded.

"Good," Alex nodded. "We'll be right back."

As the two left, Emerald waited until their footsteps vanished. Then as it did, the girl immediately ran towards the aforementioned menu. She could read...a little. Not well but...it could pass. And so, she found the notebook that contained the menu. Her mouth watering, she opened it, ready to see the delectable treats she could feast on. Except she found no pictures that showed off what she wanted. It was all words unlike the place Alexander had taken her too.

Emerald's expression turned into a frown, frustration bubbling in her as she scanned the menu book. All very complicated names!

Her eyes landed on one particular dish. She did not know what a cordon bleu was but she did know chicken. And chicken sounded just right...


And thus, we left Emerald behind in the hotel room to do as she pleased. I had no doubts in my mind that the girl was going to order as much as she wanted from the room service. Honestly, I had checked the room service and they were making some good food. It was a pity there was little rice dishes there. My mouth craved for it. Perhaps when we'd return to Atlas, I could go and make some good ol fashion garlic rice. My rice related thoughts weren't shared by my erstwhile protector however. Land kept on looking at me as we walked.

I gave him a look. "What?"

Land was quiet, expression set. "You took that kid off the streets. Why?"

My look hardened. "Because she can be useful in time. Her Semblance lets her induce hallucinations in people. That sort of semblance comes every once in awhile, y'know?"

Land looked at me as if he didn't believe me. He then continued to stare, eyes like daggers into my soul.

I relented, stopping.. "I saw her eyes, Land."


I nodded as I turned back to him. "They were tired. They were afraid. She looked like a thin reed. When faced with suffering, how the hell could I in good conscience, let her go?"

​Really, I could just gave Emerald some money and let it be. I didn't have to go take up extra responsibility by bringing her into my household. But looking back into my previous life where I was nothing, where I had nothing, I knew what it was like. And now, I had both money and status aplenty. I lose nothing by being generous. And so, I muttered a half-remembered phrase I had read in a lifetime ago.

"We are the highest, and people like Emerald, the lowest. It is our duty to raise them up, as high as they will go. Anything less is not worthy of us."

​The car ride continued in silence, until Land sighed. "Your mother would have been proud of you, eh?"

I smiled. "I am glad you think so."

The hotel had conference rooms to meet with people. They were paid for their discretion and we needed much of that. Again, this wasn't exactly illegal per se but then again, meeting with Menagerie representatives was a slippery slope. I sat at the head of the table, a gendo pose at the ready, while Land stood next to me with crossed arms like a proverbial fixer.

"They're late," Land grunted.

I checked my watch. They were late by five minutes. Honestly, I didn't mind. In my old life, being late was the norm as traffic and the trains weren't exactly the best.

"Give them time," I yawned.

"We already giving these animals that. They could reply by being on time," Land growled.

My eyes widened at that. My head snapped to him. "Woah, Land. I had no idea you had strong opinions about the Faunus."

He snorted. "I am an old man. I am entitled to my prejudices."

I gave him a long look. A look that he deflated at. "I will keep quiet, sir." He said with finality.

I smiled at that. The Faunus were going to be our customers and Land insulting them was not going to be the start of a fruitful relationship. A few minutes later, the doors finally opened and in came the people I was expecting. I stood up to greet them. There were three people that entered. The first one was to my surprise, human. He was a young man, tall and hale. His clothing was humble, a brown coat over frontier-like clothing. The other folk that entered, they were faunus as expected, with thick hooded jackets over them.

"Apologies for the tardiness, Mister Wayland," the human apologized. "Miss Khan and Madam Belladonna, it's not so easy for them to walk in the hotel."

Ah. That's what the jackets were for.

"A pleasure to meet you, Mister Wayland," the human introduced himself. His eyes burned with a fire that only a few people could give off. "My name is John Brown. I bring with me Kali Belladonna, Chiefess of Menagerie. And the other is Miss Sienna Khan, her protection for today."

It took quite a lot of willpower to not smile. For one, RWBY was a mirror world of ours where stories were very much real. It was only a matter of time until I met other historical figures. John Brown was a liberator in our world, I suppose there was no difference in this one as well. His purpose to me was clear immediately.

He fought for the Faunus.

Turning to Kali and Sienna, I hummed. Kali was the superior version of Blake and I was going to die on that hill. I had little clue why a woman as good as Kali could have a daughter like the trash-cat. As for Sienna...she was looking at me with narrowed eyes. Both women looked way younger than they were which was honestly a given since I was born years before the start of the show.

"Looking at something?" SIenna Khan growled at me. At my side, Land took a step forward at that but Kali spoke up, her voice calming and easy. 

"Sienna!" she admonished her subordinate. The tigress bristled at Kali's tone. She forced herself to calm down, taking a step back. Land did the same as well, his expression guarded. Kali turned to me and looked apologetic.

"I am so sorry about Sienna. It's been a long journey," Kali explained, charm and welcome warmth oozing from her.

I nodded with a smile. "Oh, it is no problem at all, Madam Belladonna. I am sure that you all have travelled far. Please, let us take a seat and we can begin."


"Allow me to start by thanking you for meeting us, Mister Wayland. Most companies wouldn't," Kali began. 

I couldn't help but feel upset at that. Kali was an agreeable sort of woman, not exactly a firebrand unlike her glaring Tigress protector. "Royal and Imperial is unique, Madam," I replied deftly. I needed to make a distinction. And we needed the money, to be frank.

"Oh please," giggled the Belladonna Matriarch. "Madam makes me feel old. Call me Kali!" she insisted.

​I agreed readily. "If that is what you wish, Kali."

Okay. Why the fuck was I agreeing to everything she was saying? Every time she spoke, I just felt warm and fuzzy...

Brown speaking got me back to reality, as if a spell had been broken.

"To introduce, I am the true owner of Cambrian Logistics. Madam Belladonna is here to represent to interests of Menagerie," Brown cleared his throat. "Cambrian Logistics requested to purchase five hundred of your Defender rifles, Mister Wayland. What exactly is the problem of purchase? Cambrian is a good company, certified in Vale and Atlas. The owners are human, sir."

I turned to Brown, leaning in. "The issue, Mister Brown, is that my father is aware that Cambrian Logistics is a shell company. The owners are human yes but looking into the background...it is sketchy. He is afraid that our arms will be used for...less than savoury purposes."

And among other things my father explained before I left. As I gave my explanation, the lone human and the two faunus glanced at each other. Kali looked pained, Sienna nursed a barely contained expression of rage. Brown...he looked back to me and sighed.

"They aren't, I assure you, Mister Wayland," Brown attested. "They are going to be used as you intended them to be: protecting people."

He then took something from his coat pocket and pushed it towards me. A scroll, I realized, as I picked it up and glanced inside.

There was a video playing. Inside, a group of Faunus armed to the teeth were going through a town or rather, what remained of one. There were bodies everywhere of faunus. Some had no heads left, others fell with a struggle. My expression blanched as a few bodies looked...assaulted. Land leaned in and watched the video with me.

He growled.

"Grimm did not do that," Brown sighed mournfully..

Land looked up. "People did?"

The man nodded, making Land even more upset. "Bastards..." He cursed. "When living outside is already hard, some fools take it upon themselves to be kings of innocent folk!"

"Searchlight was a town of faunus in Mistral," Kali sobbed. "They were peaceful, good. They made a living trading with the city then..."

"Scum of the earth attacked," Sienna finished, her eyes glowing with rage.

I paused the video and let the scroll land on the table. I considered the information present to me. The Faunus Rights Revolution may have won them freedom but it did not mean that it won them true respect. Faunus as slaves was still within living memory and people were still trying to get used to the idea that the faunus were well...people.

"Was there any information found about the attackers?" I asked.

"The Branwen Tribe," Brown supplied. "They're a ruthless band of cut-throats, brigands, and thieves. They kill, they rape; human or faunus. They are monsters in wearing the skin of men and women."

My mind went immediately to that Ronin looking woman, Raven Branwen and her gaggle of cut-throats. It was hard to respect her when one, she was a massive fucking coward that ran from Yang and the world. How could I respect someone who talked mad shit about strength when she hid in her hole? Then, there was the fact she lead a band of rapacious vandals. No profit to be found in raping and pillaging. Taxes was where the real gains were at. The damn Mongols resorted to taxation and they were horse-lords from the steppes. The Branwen tribe and Raven were just idiots.

"In light of this, I personally see no reason to not sell you arms," I muttered. "However..."

I locked on in shock as Sienna marched forward, slamming her fist on the table, cracking it. Her expression was of pure rage as she threw an accusing finger at me. "Even despite seeing this, you are still hesitating? Every single second we waste here, more people die! My people!"

I stood up, leaning in, my expression locked in at her, stern and cold. "Miss Khan. I sympathize with you. I really, really do. But this is not a simple matter of just signing off guns. It-"

"Because we're Faunus, is that it?" Sienna challenged me, glaring back.

To be honest...it was because they were Faunus. Now, the Faunus Rights Revolution had occurred three years after the end of the Great War. Two big societal conflicts happening after one another and its veterans were still alive and kicking. At that point, the armies of humanity under General Lagune were poised to deliver a stunning victory against the rebelling Faunus with a daring night attack. He failed spectacularly as he hadn't accounted the Faunus having night vision. After that, the Faunus capitalized on their win by putting it into law that Faunus were people. They were even granted a homeland as well, a whole continent for themselves in the South East of the planet. It sounded good on paper that was until the Faunus who went there saw that it was a uninhibited hell-hole occupied by creatures that the Grimm couldn't even handle. Historical accounts alleged fierce reptilian creatures that could throw hands with Grimm and win. 

Back to the matter at hand however, Atlas and the others made it fuck off hard to deal with Menagerie. Not only was the place far, the current routes to it were few and dangerous. Menagerie too was still at the moment being tamed by the Faunus. It was in essence a colony still trying to set up. Last I had checked and in the few references I could find in the public, Kuo Kuana didn't have much to offer in terms of business or natural resources to exploit. 

"Why not getting back to the matter at hand?" Kali suggested and immediately, we caved. She wasn't finished speaking however.

"If you could explain why your company couldn't sell to Cambrian Logistics?" Kali suggested, her eyes twinkling with curiosity.

Aw. What a wonderful woman. How could I not explain myself? "Well, it's sketchy, firstly. The Council would be interested if the guns we sold to a Valean Company would end up in Mistral. My father's condition for selling is that a clean company is used to facilitate the transfer, no shell companies. He wants it done as clean as possible."

"Oh, then I see no issue not to fulfil that condition. It is fair," Kali said with a smile. "Doing things in the light will avoid any misunderstandings, yes?"

"Indeed!" I grinned. I then leaned forward. "Now, as for the matter of payment..."

The hours went on with the deal. Instead of Cambrian Logistics, they were going to use an actual company run by faunus instead of a human, a Mistrali corporation jointly owned by a human and faunus. I honestly was puzzled why my father was so adamant about selling to them directly when the settlement with Cambrian was certainly fine. But I suppose the embarrassment of being found out was worse than openly doing it. They would have wanted to purchase more but they were interested in seeing the effectiveness of it before going full in which was rather fair. For payment, it was with Lien to be paid with each successful transfer of rifles. There were other things that the Faunus wanted as well. Expertise in how to use and maintain the rifles as well as their own means to produce it. That was something that I would have to discuss with my father however. Lastly, they asked for a interesting product.

"So, there's actually a request that my husband would like to ask of you," Kali asked, expression demure. 

I leaned in with interest. "Yes?"

"He would like to ask if Royal and Imperial is thinking of manufacturing other things for the frontier?" Kali asked. "For example, is your company willing to make a vehicle that is just like your guns?"

I grasped on quick to what she was talking about. "So, something that is reliable, easy-to-maintain, and dustless?"

She nodded happily and to be honest, that made me feel a bit good. "That's right!" she cheered with a clap. "You see, the less dust we use on vehicles, the more it could be used for other things."

That...was something I had to look over. I was so focused on guns that I neglected to think of other things. However..."You understand, Kali, that Royal and Imperial is a arms company firstly?" I pointed out.

"Oh, I do!" Kali nodded in understanding. "But as I understand it, your family are artificers, right? I have confidence that you, of all people, can figure out a way to make one."

Despite myself, I blushed at her praise. "I will try then."

"If we are satisfied with your guns, Mister Wayland, you can best expect us again," Kali said with a comforting and assuring smile. 


She was a nice lady, giving off comforting motherly vibes. Sienna however...she glared at me from her corner.

I glared at her back.

They left not to soon, leaving Land and I to think about what had just happened. 

"What a charming woman," I hummed. 

"Charming indeed," Land nodded in agreement, the usual derision he had towards the faunus abated. Our mutual admiration for the Chieftess of the Faunus was dashed as my scroll rang. Puzzled, I took it out and scanned it.

"I didn't order five Chicken Bleu's?" I muttered, puzzled.


​The car drove off quietly. Outside, people were rushing to get into cover as the sky darkened and rain fell. Under the torrent of water clashing against metal, Kali Belladonna allowed herself to finally relax after a long day of worrying.

Her Semblance, Cat's Eyes, allowed her to detect and influence people's emotions. It wasn't perfect however. The more negative a person's emotions were, the more draining it was for her to use her semblance. Hate, prejudice, scorn, this had made her a very tired woman especially when it came to dealing with unsavory humans. With the Wayland Heir however, it wasn't as bad a strain. The boy held no hate towards her or her subordinate but rather, curiosity and amusement to her surprise. 

If anything, he wasn't a racist at least. They could work with that. 

Menagerie's situation was certainly better than in the past years. It had taken herculean effort by her people to carve a place for them in the new continent. The plant growth was absurd, the fierce reptile creatures were more so. She thought she had seen everything but seeing a Sea Feilong getting torn in half by a swimming reptilian thing was another. 

"Well," the Belladonna Matriarch said with a clap. "That went well!"

Sienna rolled her eyes as he leaned against the car window. "A single deal done does not mean out mission for equality has succeeded." 

"Well....relatively, then. There weren't any comments towards me or you, Sienna," Kali noted. 

The Tigress sighed. "It's just...tiring, Kali. We've tried so hard to work with their system and people reject us." 

John who at this time was driving the car added in his thoughts. "They're bitter, Miss Khan. Lagune's defeat is still remembered."

"Give it time," Kali insisted. "Not all humans are so bad, Sienna. Eventually, time will heal all wounds. Look at John there and Alexander too! I didn't feel a single speck of hate in him. He was rather curious of us, you know?" 

"He's taking after his grandfather, the pervert," Sienna said dismissively. 

Not a lot of folk knew and Kali suspected not even his own family knew but Old Wayland had been a supporter of the Faunus Anti-Slavery Movement albeit secretly. Mantle was the very worst of it, slave markets held right outside the Imperial Palace. She never met him, the other old leaders having been his direct contact and at the time, she and Ghira were still teens in their respective homes. She did get to know the names of the righteous among humanity, brave men and women dedicated to Justice than cruelty. Among them, Old Wayland.

Such was his dedication to their liberation that he was willing to brandish himself a pervert to hide the fugitives out of Mantle. Of course, some of it was true and he did develop a taste for cow faunus but everyone knew what they were doing. 

"I don't think so," Kali attested before her expression turned sly. "He wasn't looking at me. He was looking at you a lot though,"

​Sienna took that information and frowned, her face crunching in disgust. "I like my men rugged. He is too clean for my tastes." 

​Kali hummed. "Rugged...like Ghira? My, you certainly have it good, Sienna." 

​Before Sienna could sputter into a hysteric red mess, Brown cleared his throat. "Ladies...I need to remind you that we must be off to the winds. I am needed in Mistral. The Branwen tribe were spotted by our spies. They must be dealt with." 

"Ah...yes," Kali agreed. As much as she wanted to tease Sienna, there was still work to do.

"Is this outing finished, Kali?" SIenna asked, trying her best to gather her dignity. "I am needed in Solitas. Some miners were worried about conditions there..."


A/N: Eat well, friends.




What was Kali's Semblance again something seemed suspicious


Kali visibly does not have her aura unlocked in the scenes that we see her. However, I am making it canon that she has her aura unlocked and her semblance is Empath. It essentially allows her to add in her emotions to another person. This makes her a valuable diplomat.