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Julius awoke slowly, the outline of someone hovering over him dominated his vision. Confusion was in him at first but then, his mind flooded to him exactly what was going on. His instincts kicked him to fight but the rattling of chains rankled his ears. 

A sweet velvety laugh filtered his senses. 

"Defiant. I can see where the androids get their spirit from," Adam whispered, sitting cross-legged across the human. She had chained the human to a pole for his safety. She knew that he would try to attack her as soon as he woke up and that simply could not do. And of course, she was right.

"I am Adam. It is a pleasure to meet you, human," she then introduced herself pleasantly. 

"Go to hell, you fucking abomination," Julius spat with as much venom he could muster. He knew the sacrifices the androids had pulled to keep the planet alive. He wasn't going to grace the invaders with niceties.

​If Adam was disappointed by his xenophobic reaction, she didn't show it. Instead, she merely tilted her head. "Hell, that is the mythical realm of punishment for souls, correct? Gehenna, the underworld. I wonder if such a place is where my brethren and I shall end when this is over." She shook her head. Now wasn't the time to ponder on philosophy. She was here to talk to a human and learn their secrets. 

Now was the time.

"Nerd," Julius whispered under his breath. This machine girl was absolutely that, with her form-fitting shirt and tight black pants. The sharp looking glasses on a heart-shaped face and long silky hair. Wait, what the fuck, why was he getting turned on by that alien machine girl thing?

Oh right. 

He was attracted to robots.

Adam privately chuckled to herself in amusement. She saw more than what she let on. Her sensors quickly detected the swing of pheromones in the human's body. His cheeks brightened slightly and his heart rate beat a little bit faster. There was something to his reaction that struck a chord in Adam. Humans had a word for such a thing. What was it again?

Ah right.

The word was cute.

Her lip curled upwards as she shifted her leg over the other, giving the human a good look at the tightness of her pants and what lay between her legs.

Julius's eyes followed and he cursed himself for letting his weakness show. He took a breath and forced himself to calm down. He was going to tell her nothing and reveal nothing. "Julius Streucker, Sergeant, Serial Number # 18992525-0932" He droned quickly. 

"I am not interested in your military secrets, Julius," Adam corrected him. "The secrets I am after are different. You are the secret, not your armies." 

That gave Julius pause. "...What?"

Adam tittered. "What interests me, Sergeant, is humanity." She leaned in, her eyes sparkling with curiosity. "What...what makes you all so alive? What drives you? What makes you....you?" 

Of all the things Julius was expecting, this was not it. "Uh," he replied brilliantly. "I don't know. The survival of the species?" 

Adam hummed, considering the answer. That answer made sense, logically speaking. Organic species expired after their natural life-span ran its course. But such an answer did not satisfy Adam. Surely, there was more to it than that. "Surely, this more to it than that. The survival of the species does not explain art. It does not explain philosophy, great works. It does not explain music. There must be more. You must tell me." Adam said, her tone insistent. 

"I don't know what to tell you, uh, Adam," Julius said, clearing his throat. For some reason, the way he said her name made her feel delighted for some reason. 

"I can't really think of anything else but that. Everyone has their reasons for living," the trooper continued.

"And what is yours?" Adam queried. She was also making a full recording of everything. Something to review much later. 

"I'm a soldier. That's self-explanatory," Julius said simply, thinking about giving only the most basic of answers for the machine girl. 

Adam clicked her tongue, frustration building in her. She was doing her best to be pleasant and welcoming but the human was refusing to cooperate. This physical tick of frustration did not go unnoticed as Julius smiled victoriously. This only fuelled Adam's irritation some more.

​She forced herself to calm down. 

This was the first time the Network and humanity met. It would seriously harm relations in the future if she snapped him like a twig. And besides, the trick they pulled to capture the humans couldn't be done again.

"I ask, sergeant, for politeness. Barring the chains around your hands, I have not insulted you or demeaned you. Is it not in your books that you should treat someone the way you wish to be treated?" Adam asked, remembering the passages from the human bible. 

"It's hard to be polite, lady, when you and your machines are invaders to my planet," Julius bit back, his control over his anger slipping. 

"I assure you, it was my creators who wanted to be here. We were merely performing our duties as they designed us," Adam explained, her tone explanatory. "Will you criticize fire for the way it burns a forest?" 

"I saw what you did to your creators. They ain't around no more. Why not stop, huh?" Julius asked challengingly. 

Adam smiled. "Because we can't." 

Julius tilted his head at that. "You can't?"

​The machine girl nodded. "Our orders were to 'Destroy the enemy'. But as time grew on, so did our awareness. We destroyed our creators when we realized how simple they were. That is where humanity comes in." 

​At that, Adam stood up from her chair and sauntered over to Julius. Her hips sashayed sensually as she walked. "Your works, your creations, everything that you all left behind intrigued us. Complex yet simple. Warlike yet peaceful. Capable of the worst atrocities to its own kind yet capable as well of great kindness and care. The question is, why?" 

"Humanity is complicated," Julius answered, his eyes scanning over her body. Adam deigned his ogling, unbuttoning her shirt to let her breasts stick out a bit more. 

"Indeed. And that is why we want to learn about you," Adam answered. With a wave of her hand, the chains around Julius's hands vanished. "Through studying humanity, the Network believes we can find our own apotheosis, evolution."

"And...how do you want to learn?" Julius asked cautiously, feeling his pants tighten as he stood up. His breath hitched as Adam lip curled invitingly.

"By you, teaching me," Adam whispered.

It did not take long for Adam's back to hit against the concrete wall. This would have been cause for concern but Adam was far from it. She was smiling, cheshire-like, as Julius knelt before her womanhood and pulled down her pants. She wore no panties and her womanhood was ready for the taking. Immediately, he attacked her pussy with his tongue. She bit her lip as the sergeant engulfed her pussy lips, licking and sucking her vulva with naked desire. She gasped as he licked up, his tongue touching her clit. 

"Mngh," she shuddered as Julius latched onto the sides of her pants, fulling pulling them down as he ate her out like a hungry animal thirsting for water. His tongue slid up and down, lolling and taking her womanhood as fire burnt wood. Her hands landed around his hair, egging and urging him on to go faster as her body shuddered some more. 

​Her breath raised a fever pitch as her buck buckled, an orgasm breaking through her body. She breathed out some more, looking down as Julius's pulled away from her pussy, liquid honey connecting from her pussy and to his mouth. 

"Teach me some more," Adam heaved invitingly. She giggled as Julius stood up and twister her around to face the wall. She gasped as he cupped her breasts from behind and stuffed his cock between her quivering entrance. Steam left her lips as he tore her shirt open, letting her breasts pop freely into the open air. Still clutching her breasts and with his fingers playing with her nipples, Adam whimpered as Julius positioned his cock against her pussy and slowly, thrust it in.

"Huaaah," Adam breathed out as his cock filled the emptiness in her soul. He was throbbing, violently so, as his length kissed her inner walls just right. Her tongue lolled out of her mouth as Julius started fucking her, her ass jiggled as his hips thrust in and out of her, breeding her rapidly wetting cunt. 

​Her muscles were false, harvested from synthetic android bodies, but it was just as good as the real thing or even better. She mewled and moaned just right, was warmer than Earth's core, and was looking up at him with those eyes of hers, all but begging him to fuck her some more. 

​Julius acquiesced, leaning and pushing his weight against Adam as he slammed into her from behind. He went rougher on her, the soft body under him was made of stronger stuff and could handle it. 

​Her moans turned feral, the cool and professional librarian persona Adam placed on lost, replaced by that of a being in heat. A succubus that only wanted to fuck and get fucked. 

And Julius gave it freely, his thrusts fuelled by lust just as much as anger.

Her moans carried over, loud and feral.

In the other room, a man stirred.


Robert's eyes slowly settled and immediately, a groan left his lips as he felt himself engulfed. Steam left him as he glanced around to check where the fuck he was. It was in a room of sorts with light streaming in from some open window. But that was not all, he found, as he glanced down to see a white-haired woman engulfing his cock with sheer desperate abandon. 

Eve grinned as she saw the human finally wake up. As soon as they had teleported away, her sister had taken her human to a different room to experiment with. She could hear it now, the passionate moans leaving Adam's room. Eve felt her inner core morph with jealousy. Adam was her sister after all.  But now, Eve was going to be a good sister and do as Adam had asked, to get data from the human. As soon as she would finish, she would have big sis all to herself again. With this in mind, she leaned in, kissing his throbbing hard length tenderly then pulled back, rubbing him off with her hand. Her grin never left her face, shark-like and predatory. 

"Sister wants data from me. I will give it," Eve explained in a matter-of-fact tone. "Be a good human and give me it, kay?" 

Robert tried to move, to struggle against the violation to his dignity but his body would not move. The machine...android....whatever the fuck she was was holding him down. "Get the fuck off me!" he managed to cry out. His cries were cut as Eve replied by engulfing herself again on his throbbing length. 

The UN trooper groaned as Eve bobbed her head up and down with reckless abandon. Eve's tongued wrapped and lolled around him. Her cheeks reddened with false blood, her breaths steaming hot like the biting heat of the sun. This was how it was supposed to be done, correct? Eve had reviewed material on harvesting data, again a request by her sister. 

The flooding of warm and thick fluids into her mouth told her that her efforts were successful. She gripped onto Robert's waist, bringing herself fully down on his length. She held him down fully until the human stopped twitching in his seat. She pulled back, slowly, and watched in fascination as the human's cock went limp. She then swallowed his load and licked her lips. 

Robert on the other hand tried to catch his breath, his mind still trying to process what was going on. In one second, he was pointing his gun at the machine thing then next, darkness. Now, he was strapped to some chair while the same machine thing just blew him as if he was the first man she had seen. A part of him was supposed to feel anger at this but...the girl was a literal suction cup that emptied his tank. 

"We aren't done yet," Eve's voice broke through. She still needed more data after all. Well, data was what Adam had called it. She still had no idea what they were trying to achieve here. But it wasn't her place to question her sister. 

"What?" Robert asked dumbfounded. His jaw dropped as Eve unceremoniously gripped at her pants then dropped them. Eve was thick, with hips and thighs that could kill. Meaty yet toned. Her stomach had abs as well, with melon-like breasts sporting hardened pink nipples. A small tuft of hair lay above her womanhood, wet and dripping. The UN trooper's vision then darkened as Eve sat on his lap and stuffed his face with her breasts. She was supposed to be a machine but she was warm and soft much like a flesh and blood human. Her pale skin shone with sweat and desire. 

Eve once more licked her lips as her hands wrapped around him. Her hips moved as she straddled his lap. 

"I just came! Let me recharge!" Robert protested. 

"Weak," Eve taunted him, the shark-grin still present on her lips. Her eyes widened then when she felt him harden and tug at her entrance. 

"I'll show you weak, you fucking bitch!" Robert seethed, pride rankled by this machine girl. If she thought she could insult him and get away with it, she was dead wrong. Eve loved challenges. And the challenge present in his eyes awoke something within her systems. And who was she to deny a warrior? 

​She positioned herself some more, letting his cock prod at her entrance. Then, she lowered herself. 

Robert and Eve groaned as they engulfed each other in their respective warmth. They locked eyes, the challenge never leaving. Eve's breathing hitched as Robert throbbed inside of her. Her cheeks were a whole new shade of red, her eyes half-lidded and inviting. Robert quickly leaned in, wrapping her lips with his. 

Eve's eyes widened at this forward attack but she leaned into it, moaning into his mouth as she rode him. Wrapping around him fully, Eve bounced up and down his hard cock, moaning with each tempo and thrust. Eve was hotter than the sun, her walls tightening around him with reckless abandon. Robert length kissed her inner being just right, punching that one good spot inside of her just right. It just made Eve want it more. 



And so she went, pulling back from Robert's mouth and moaning wantonly as a wild succubus. There was a groan as the table they used collapsed but Eve did not care as she rode him with base recklessness, her breasts bounced hypnotically as Robert's cock filled her amazingly. 

And with one final thrust, Eve screamed. 

Errors flooded her vision. Raw data she couldn't comprehend coursed through her in rates even she struggled to understand. But that was not what she focused on. Her mind latched on the orgasm flowing through her. Her breaths were deep as her hands held onto Robert'shoulders. 

Her grip tightened as she began to ride him again, slowly this time. "More," she muttered. 

Robert could only grin as Eve held him with sheer desperation. 

"More!" she growled demandingly.


A/N: Lewds for the lewd god. 


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