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The birds were the sign they were coming. Carrion birds in the sky; cawing, croaking, and awaiting the feast of flesh from both men and beast. The army marching through the valley paths of the Reach stretched like a dark murderous void. Rivers ran dry in their path, what little grass that could be found were consumed by the horses. Flags flew from long poles held by stone-eyed men and women clad in gold and blue and bronze. They glittered, the armor of the soldiers glinting underneath the shining sun. The host was the very picture of greatness in Nordic past, a time of season unending and cracking the earth through Shout and sword.

To Hrongar however, it was a boring matter of waiting for the enemy to come to them.

The second son of Jarl Heorot yawned, the hoofbeat of the horses and the chinking of armor brought him back to bloodier times of attack and escape. Hrongar considered himself a traditional Nord; that included giving the foe a fair honest fight. When Balgruuf proposed hit-and-run tactics, he was slightly mortified that his own brother would be so unfair. His protests died however when it became clear that the elves weren't going to play fair and tossed either dremora or magicka at them whenever they were encountered.

The Reachmen were apparently spellcasters of sorts. Hopefully, their mannish side kept a semblance of honor with them.

"Hrongar," a voice spoke up next to him. Hrongar yawned again before leaning in to listen.

"This is boring," Freydis complained, yawning alongside her husband. His beloved wife had all but insisted to come along when news broke out that they were going to battle. Of course, there was the matter of their baby Lydia but it wasn't as if they were going to another province. Markarth was far yes but it was still within the confines of Skyrim. Their daughter was a fighter, she would be in the safe care of her grandmother. 

After all, Balgruuf had assured him that they would be back as soon as possible.

Hrongar trusted Balgruuf enough to take him at his word. The elder son had proven to be secretive and suspicious at times but his plots always was something beneficial in the end. 

"Welcome to army life, wife," Hrongar said simply. "Most of it is marching or doing some inane task. Fighting's only a small part of it." 

That much was true. If they weren't engaging the elves during the war, they were always on the move or being bored stiff. As an officer, Hrongar had greater leeway in his duties and didn't really have to perform menial tasks but his beloved brother insisted that they shared in the work of the men. A team building exercise he had called it. 

"No wonder I didn't join the Legion then," snorted Freydis. She had worn motherhood well, Hrongar found. Her ass had become better and her tits fatter. Always a welcome sight whenever he was bored, just as he was doing now. His staring didn't go unnoticed however as Freydis covered up her chest, smiling coyly. 

"Eyes on the road, soldier," his wife tutted him. Hrongar rolled his eyes as his averted his gaze and leant forward slightly, patting his horse on the side appreciatively. 

"I trust Haakon with my life," he praised. Haakon being the name of his mount. "He knows where we are going. I sometimes even think he's smarter than me." 

"I can believe that," Freydis smirked. 

"My cock's bigger though," Hrongar humbly added. 

"You'll have to show me that later then," Freydis suggested innocently. 

Hrongar grinned. 


The army halted for the night.

It would simply take them another day before they would arrive at Markarth. A more impatient part of Hrongar wished they would be there as soon as possible but his brother insisted in taking a measured approach. That was fine to Hrongar, really. He was done giving orders and at this point was just happy to go along for the ride. He was with an army of Nords, fully-armed and filthy, on their way to free a fellow Nordic Hold. And as a bonus, his wife was with them. What was there to complain about?

And speaking of his wife...

Hrongar groaned as a searing hot wetness engulfed around his length. His back buckled as he grabbed a fistful of raven black hair. Lewd appreciative moans escaped Freydis's mouth as her husband speared her throat with his cock, choking sounds leaving her lips as Hrongar face-fucked her. They got to each other as soon as they set up their tent. There was an issue of privacy of course but frankly, they missed each other and didn't give a damn. 

And no one was suicidal enough to tell them to stop. 

Pale skin and pink flesh glistened in the candle-light, Freydis had forgone her upper chest-plate, leaving her fat breasts exposed to the air. Her nipples were erect, from the cold of Skyrim and the sheer arousal of once more fucking and being fucked by the man she loved.

Hrongar twitched, feeling himself coming close. His groans turned to animalistic grunts as he raped his wife's mouth. Freydis took his length like a whore, her eyes blazed with passion and desire, tears streaking down her face, her choking music to Hrongar's ears. For what felt like eternity, Hrongar came. Seed poured from him, flooding Freydis's mouth quickly and easily, harsh grunts leaving his lips. His body felt limp as Freydis separated herself from his length, a thin streak of saliva connecting his glistening cock. He was breathless as he made eye-contact with his wife and watched her swallow his load.

"You filthy fucking..." Hrongar breathed to Freydis's giggling.

"I missed you," Freydis laughed, quickly sitting atop his lap. Hrongar groaned again as his cock was sandwiched by her ass. He hardened again as Freydis wrapped her arms around his neck, straddling him as she sat on him, and breathing on him with husky desire. 

"And I'm going to show you how much," growled Freydis, her womanhood dripping juices on Hrongar's hard length. Hrongar grinned, his body burning with desire as he continued to lock eyes with his lover and wife. Their faces were bare inches from each other, love brimming on their breaths. Just as Freydis was about to impale herself on him...

"BWOOOM!" a great warhorn rang, deep and mighty. The couple froze in their tracks. Not a second later, they got off each other, reaching for their scattered armor laying on the floor. All the while, Hrongar's estimation of the Reachmen sunk to dangerous levels. 

They just ruined one of his many reunions with his wife.

He was going to make the poor degenerates pay.


A/N: This is a bit short that usual but I am still rather busy IRL. Two more exams have to be taken and I have to go study. Hopefully, this makes up for my silence. 


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