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I will try to be as brief as possible, mostly honestly id rather just post art and skedaddle out of here.

Regarding my whole shoulder situation, its up and down, its improved, and then it hasn't, some days are good, some days are awful, like today. If you want a example, imagine having excruciating pain bringing your arm up to scratch your nose and all the burning pain is in the shoulder.

So artwork will continue to be slow, which is unfortunate especially because I hate feeling like I am not producing enough content. 

With that said however, I am making a goal for next year, if you can bare with me for long enough that is. My goal is I want to start making image series or short comics, one being the snow leopard diaries, little short stories about Tiffany, how she met Salvatore, or Sonny and so on. I want to have more solid goals for next years projects, things with theme's.

That's all I really have for right now, icing my shoulder, resting, and spending more time on Twitch since I can rest my arm on the bad days, while coming up with some ideas for next years projects.

Another goal is to also go back and ink/color some sketch's I have done too.

So bare with me, if you want to unsub for a bit and come back that's fine, and I wont blame you, its not like any of us expected me to get a shoulder injury like this.


Ive been really thinking hard about getting into some animations, and I may end up doing that next year as well, so if I do you can expect some snow mew looping animations too. But, I wont get to ahead of myself.


pj wolf

The shoulder thing is going to limit you for as long as it's gonna be an issue. If you can, I'd try to concentrate on getting that sorted since it's affecting your life so much. Art can be up and down, so I'm hoping you don't see it as some kind of millstone you need to keep pushing in order to get anywhere... some breaks might be necessary, and I hope that if you encounter one that is, you take it. That being said, I hope you're able to make more artwork you want to make, on the terms that you want to make it. Making Image series or short comics sounds fun, though I do know that comicking can be kinda intensive since you're making multiple small drawings. The storytelling is the thing, and I'm looking forward to you exploring that aspect of your artwork