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Tiffany Valentine & Artwork © Duo

This is a revisited sketch from last year when I had covid and it really mucked things up, well this year I have a messed up shoulder and it really showed while trying to edit this sketch and fix it up.

After working on it I dunno if I should try to finish it, I like it but I dunno.

More so I realized how hard it is to sketch right now, since I have to use my shoulder so much in the sketching process, not to mention the inking and coloring, its getting harder. 

Lemme know if you think this is worth working on more, or try something different?

Thank you all for the support, it means the world to me, especially right now.




pj wolf

Here's hoping your shoulder feels better soon


I see a doctor this Tuesday for an injection into it, which should give me a month of mending and reduced pain/inflammation. I may spend this weekend trying to go back thru all of the patreon and sort artwork into proper folders. Like the Valentine folder.