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Ill make this quick, mostly because I don't like talking about personal stuff when I could just be drawing and posting and letting it be, but since it affects my output, I have to.

Ive been dealing with health problems, my left arm is recovering still with a AC ligament tear, at least they think that's what it is, its now being considered it could be something else. They are still running scans on my neck checking a lump, saying its an enlarged lymph node, while running more blood work, more ultrasounds, more xrays.

Now for the update, my right shoulder is now suffering issues, I cant lift weight, I cant move it well, and it was hurting just to sketch the other day, the doctor feels I have something called Frozen Shoulder Syndrome, so I was given more steroids, more pain killers, and anti inflammatory, and to top it off, I have another large lump under my arm which is going to be checked.

So the next month or two, art production may remain the same, or lower, it depends on how I am doing that day, basically I have to play every day by ear, if I feel any kind of discomfort or burning, I do nothing but rest so I don't make matters worse, while bouncing back and forth for testing to, hopefully, make sure I don't have the big C.

I'm going to do my best to keep drawing, keep posting, keep listening and do some more content. One thing I still want to do is do some voted on content to see what gets drawn and Ive been thinking of selecting random patreons at some point to be featured in art.

Thank you all for understanding, and your patience, and my only hope is you enjoy my work and the content.



Hope it all turns out ok. Take it easy and best of luck!

pj wolf

Hopefully you get your arm treated and that can be restored a little. That sounds sucky, but I hope you feel better!


The steroid's so far are helping with inflammation, so at least we know that it can be helped and I've not really had a pain pill in a few days as a result of that.