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Its been a long year hasn't it, and last month I feel like I accomplished a good amount getting some projects finished up and colored, but alas there are still more that need finishing up. 

While at the same time I know that I need to start new art project's, its a never ending cycle of creation, and honestly I spent a lot of time focusing on streaming lately so Ive been left in sort of a slump with creation.

So for the first week or two of this month I was considering taking a small break, and in that space of time working on finishing up these projects while starting sketch work on new ones. Just so I can sorta get the ball rolling.

Will I take a week off? Probably not honestly, but just having the idea in my head that I can may free up some stress, the current projects being colored are Sonny & Valentine, Valentine, Rosalicia, and Rosalicia & Markus. You have seen the sketch's and WIP's before, now its time to finish them!!

With that bit of rambling out of the way, whats next?

What are some thoughts and interests from you? What would you potentially like to see in future work, maybe it can jump start my imagination and influence some new projects.

Suggestions and thoughts are appreciated.

oh and lastly, my shoulder situation, still healing, doctor is a quack, tried telling me it was my ankle that I injured and not my shoulder, womp womp I'm on my own I guess, American health care at its finest.



Take a good rest! As for ideas, what about some gilfs? Like Valentines mom for example.

pj wolf

Hey, taking a break can be very important. Especially if you're injured, resting is very often healing