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To be honest I am getting tired of making these excuse posts for not creating and doing what I love to do, but everything is getting in the way and this month is no different so far.

The long and short of it is this, I live in a rural area with little access to water, what water I have is a tapped spring, and well that's been fine all this time until recently when new problems started occurring. Not enough water coming in due to low water table, a blockage in the line, and now it seems I may have break in my line as well. Replacing thousands of feet of water line in the woods wouldn't be a problem if I was in my twenties, bouncing up and down the mountains wasn't a problem in my twenties. But I am nearly 40 now, my shoulders are gone, my knee is gone and I cant hack it.

Couple that with some roofing issues that have come to my attention and well, you can understand my stress. So as I type this I am contacting the county "again" to see if there is any way to get actual water to my home from the county, and fingers crossed I can.

My shoulders are doing better but these other things are getting to me. Please understand, and I am sorry for the excuses, I expected this month to be better, not start off worse. If things don't change soon I may just have to say "to hell with this all" and move into an apartment, I honestly don't know anymore.

I will do my best to start drawing again, and hopefully take on commissions.


pj wolf

You literally aren't able to get as much water as you need to getting to your home. I'd say that's as good as an excuse as any for "life happening." I hope it resolves favorably soon, and yeah... living alone often gets harder when you're older. Hope you feel better soon and get that water back soon