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Honestly, I wasn't sure at first how these panel will turn out, but I really like the end result. Of page 8 panel 2 was the biggest issue. As you can see by comparing the concept sketch to the final sketch, I changed the perspective a bit. At first I did it the same, as if the camera was positioned directly between her legs, but I just couldn't make it look good, even though I used a CGI puppet to get the proportions right. It's one of those things where reality looks unrealistic I guess.

The small intestines won't be CGI, though I was thinking about it and gathered some references for it, but there wasn't enough time to do it properly thus I will just draw it by hand as usual. Unlike the stomach texture, it's not a difficult shape to draw at all, thus there is no problem anyway. It's actually one of the easiest things to draw from the human body.




Nice work!