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Hi. First off, you guys don't have to worry about my well being. Everything is okay.

The thing is, I had a small surgery yesterday, with some minor complications. I won't go into detail what it is to not ruin your day, but it's something that is in no way life risking. However due to the complication, my healing process will probably take 2 weeks or more, during that time I will very likely not be able to draw anything. Thus the WIP images will definitely be late, I don't know about the finished images. Usually I upload the first finished pages by the 20th of a month, thus maybe, if we're lucky, it will be healed enough that I can draw again by then.

I don't know if I will be healthy enough again starting tomorrow to read any replies to this, thus don't be surprised if I don't reply back. I barely got allowed to write this notice ;)

But like I said in the beginning, I'm technically fine, it will definitely heal and eventually I will be back to 100%. I just don't know when exactly.