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Sorry, i said weekend, and i COULD have finished it....if my graphic tablet didn't screw up again *sigh*

Anyway, let's meet the girl who won't appear for another 5 pages and won't have any plot importance at all...technically

Honestly, i'm glad the kiss panel turned out alright. When i did the first rough draft the kiss looked fine, but then when i did the proper sketch with proper perspective and anatomy, suddenly something seemed missing. It continued on when i did the inking, the odd feeling something was wrong. But when i was midway coloring, i realized what was wrong, while the outline of the lips were fine, the coloring of them was off, and i quickly remembered some obscure memory of how lips look like when they are kissing closed. It is a heart shape(kinda), and everything suddenly fell into place.

Now that was a pretty pointless rant, but i thought i should share it for some reason.



Kenshin Hikigane

Crap...Tablet issues huh? Glad you were able to get it done though, the colored version looks amazing so far.