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Before i say anything else, i want you guys to know that the next three pages will be uploaded in the next 2-3 days. They are almost done.

As for this page...i have to be honest here, i feel like i screwed up based on the script. At some point from the script to the concept sketch to the proper sketch to the lineart and finally to the coloring, i lost what was actually suppose to happen here. For example, the script mentioned that the walls were moving in rhythm to the sounds, which as you can tell wasn't conveyed at all in these panels. I apologize for that.

That is what happens when you rush things while you have a thousand other things to take care of in your life -_-




It’s still good work though, no complaints here. Life treating you ok, just busy?


Hey man, it's alright. Not everything will always translate well into a visual medium. You've done a stellar job thus far though, and I anticipate that the following pages will be just as great of quality.


Hmm, the high res file seems to be missing?


Odd, i was sure i added them with all pages back then. At any right, thanks for telling me, i have readded it.