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You guys have no idea how much fun it was to color this page, because i am finally getting my groove back. For a while i wasn't particular satisfied with my coloring, as if something i learned was forgotten.

Of course, i also learned a few new tricks haha. For example, i was able to cut down on the time to coloring long hair, and at the same time make it look even better.

11 pages in, i think it's time to switch things up a bit and draw some random artworks again, don't you think? Or should i continue, as the juicy part is about to begin? Tough decision...




Continue please!


I'm sure you know my answer ;) Always been a fan of your shading/colouring. It's pretty unique in it's style ( I think! ) with a sort of realistic yet unreal look. I also enjoy your random artwork stuff so I guess either way I'd be happy. Just a little more happy to see this continue :D