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Okay, here is the deal:

Remember how i lost my dayjob i had for years, got a new minijob and lost that one too? Well, i got something new. It's an internship that goes for the entire February. But it's a fulltime internship, 40h a week(not counting other things that will waste time due to that new job). Which means barely any time for anything else.

Now, back when i lost my dayjob i had for years, i said that if i were to get a fulltime job i would stop drawing. Well, something like that happened, but not quite, it's an internship. As it is just an internship with a 1 month deadline, nothing is set yet though. I will try to find time to draw this month, but i can't promise anything. And obviously i can't promise what will happen once this month ends.

However i will tell you what will happen i they were to hire me fulltime:

If that were to indeed happen, i will indeed close this patreon and stop accepting commissions. However i WILL finish what i started, that means all the commissions that i already accepted will be drawn and of course all the images that i wasn't able to make last year will be done. Since this Patreon will be closed though, i will write down every person who is pledging to me and ask for anyone who has pledged the last few months to give me a contact info. If i finish some drawings, i will send them to those manually.

As for drawing for fun for myself, i will still do that, like my other Patreon(which is free to view) or my twitter sketches and nowadays rare deviantart artworks. BUT that obviously will mean that i will most likely never do giantess stuff again. And of course those drawings i do will take even longer than before to be made...

So yeah, this is the current situation. February will be low on content and after that who knows what will happen.


Kenshin Hikigane

So conflicted on that, as i’d hate to not see you make more art but i’d definitely want you to be as successful as you can be. Been supporting you a long long time and enjoyed it a lot, but its definitely been a rollercoaster on your end, so which ever way it goes, I hope its stable and good for you.


You should come to Eka's Portal. Not only would you get a lot more support there, but you'd also be able to do YCH (your character here) among many other things you could make money from. I know that people would really want to have more art from you there & would be willing to pay you well!


Hi. Thanks for the advice. I've heard about Eka's Portal before, and let's just say, i have been thinking about it lately. But what did you mean by "to do YCH" and making money from it?