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Short answer: Yes. More stuff will come eventually.

Long answer:

I guess it's time to explain what has been going on with me, my reallife and this patreon the last few months.

Basically, my reallife is currently hell. Not as bad it could be, but it's still very taxing on both my mind and body. You see, for those that don't know, i have a dayjob. Originally my dayjob resulted in around 4 hours of work each day, after that i got to spend time drawing and stuff at an office here(which is the only place that i can use to browse the internet, as i don't have any at my home as it is too expensive for me)

However some may have read a sentence here and there about how bad my financial situation is. The truth is, every month i am losing a bit of money each time. Meaning my savings are being used up. When i first started this patreon, the goal was, at it showed on the mainpage of my patreon, to get 500$ with this. That way, with a bit of help from my dayjob, i could finance my life and focus solely on drawing(and if more than 500$, i could have even quit my dayjob). However unfortunately that never came to fruition. At good months i got to 300$ and a weak ones around 200$. I wanted to still keep on going, because i think my talents can be used for good. And doing this patreon, even though it involves a subject i am not interested in personally, helps me become a better artist as well.

Since then my savings did indeed got used up, and i had to start doing commissions again, luckily, i found some people who were to commission me around that time. However this meant my time was quite getting used up being handled by three different jobs(my dayjob, patreon and commissions) plus all the other things that were planned(like my second patreon, which has been on hiatus for half a year now. And several other projects, like a proper official videogame). However even though it was difficult, with a bit of delay here and there, i was somewhat able to manage that. Some burnout happened though.

Well, that changed a few weeks ago now, in which my dayjob suddenly made me almost the sole worker here, causing me to spend 9 hours a day(not counting the time it takes to drive here and back to home) here. The best thing is, without any increase in pay(a lot of different legal issues here which i won't go further into) meaning i have no time whatsoever and no money. However i still have to do this patreon and commissions, you know?

That's where i am now. I somehow have to deal with all of this and not lose my mind.

And funnily enough, that's not even the end of it, as some more changes to the dayjob may come. It's possible that the boss may cover a shift again, resulting in me gaining around three more hours of time again, but it also means i have to sleep at the shop, meaning i won't even be able to relax at my own home anymore. And that will go on for around half a year. But it also means i will have more internet, which could be used for livestreams.

After that half a year, the shop(my day job) will most likely close down and i will switch to another day job that someone from the family can introduce me to. It's impossible to tell what will happen then.

Basically, the only thing i can say now is, i am trying. And if you have pledged something and feel like you are not getting what you payed for, note me and i will try to cover for it in the following months, even if you are not pledging at that point anymore. Satisfying customers is my no.1 priority. 


Kenshin Hikigane

I’m sorry things are so chaotic on the job front for you, but in particular I am sorry that the patreon has fluctuated so much. Its a tough balancing act particularly in your position, but you make it very easy to be patient too. As usually I’ll keep up my support but let me know if there’s anything else I can do to help


I'm really sorry to hear about it. Take all the time you need to deal with your issues. While I can't speak for anyone else but me, I'm not going anywhere. I understand you're going through some rough times and wish you all the best.


Cool =)