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Here's the third batch of letters! <3

(There came some more letters, so I will do one more batch! But I will probably close the form soon! Maybe tomorrow.)

On other topics:

Writing is going good, but a little slow 🫣 Well, slow and steady wins the race 🙏 But I have some strategies I'll try and do to get a quicker pace on this—I realise yall are waiting to meet everyone again, don't worry <3

Other than that, I have quite a few rough ball scenes and some Ch 5.2 scenes. I think I'll move some of the early ch6 scenes (the scenes from the day of the ball and travelling in a carriage) to ch5.2. 

Even out the chapter lengths a bit + give y'all some more stuff.

Think that would be good.

That's all! 


Take care! 🥰


I forgot to mention! I might do a spoiler Q&A on Discord towards the weekend! I'll post the answers here while still hiding the answers *somehow*... I'll figure something out.


Lala Lu

Can't wait for the last batch!! Giving our silly little babygirl a hard time has been a fantastic time hehehe (if ever we end up teaming up with them and Gregson for a case it's going to be SOOOO much fun. Well, for Gregson and Sherlock I mean haha bc they won't let Lestrade know a second of peace😭😭)