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I just realised I didn’t do one of these!

I’m working on ch 5 part two, the dress up system for the ball and the collection of smaller scenes the chapter has. But I’m at a the same time working on ch 6 (the ball) cause they are quite connected, and that is what currently feels right 😆✨

(The amount of research one can do on Victorian clothing is… overwhelming and also very very fun 😆)

Buuut beyond that I’m working on a Lestrade minigame in the style of the “Sherlock and their bad baker (W) minigame” 👀✨

Making the minigame directly in Twine may or may not have been a mistake cause it slows me down a lot, but I’ll port it over to tweego and hope to have it done quite soon and uploaded to itch when I’ve finished it ❤️


Stephanie Beth

Lestrade 🥰🩷 Can't wait!!!