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Hi hi everyone! ❤️🥰

Things I've been working on:

Chapter 5 — It's coming along well! 😍 It's a short chapter, I don't think it will be much more than 6k words, maybe? But a large part of it is coded and in the alpha stage, although some parts are still in a rough draft stage. But you will get to talk to Lestrade again, some plot teasing, and I'm thinking of adding a small debrief with W—to continue where you hurry out of the house at the end of Ch4 (especially for the love trianglers 😳)

Chapter 4 fixes — Been fixing a lot of bugs and adding some content to fix continuity / adding some choices etc. Though a lot of stuff appears all the time, so the work is not done yet for a while, I suspect. (I fear I coded the chapter a little too complex, which resulted in extra issues and oversights. Lesson learned!)

Some school stuff (you probably don't care about that, so that's all I'll say, haha)

Short Sexy Vamp IF — It's a little mini project I work on sometimes when I need a break from Sherlockian things (and when I say mini, I mean it! It's more like a mini-game). Basically old school sexy Dracula story with a non-modern setting.

(Tbh the whole vamp project started for two reasons: I wanted to try and make a damsel trapped by a beast-type story (tho the damsel is non-obligatory), and because I felt I needed smut writing practice for the Sherlock game... 😅😳)

—But I'm also tinkering with a Watson sexy baking mini-game thingy.

What I would like from you is to know what you would like to see soonest. I think both projects would need some coding or writing stuff before I can post anything here, but they are not huge projects, and I believe I can still manage one while writing ch5. I really want to thank y'all somehow so tell me what you would like to see first:


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