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Sooooo I know I was gonna hold out and wait to see if I got better to record again. However I got some not so good news about my lymph nodes from my recent biopsy report. I don’t think I can ever go back to doing what I used to do, as my vocals are permanently changed after surgery. I can talk now… sorta! But I can’t hit a higher pitch anymore and right now my voice seems like it’s going to stay raspy and weak for a long time. If I can’t hit a high pitch tone then I sorta feel like that defeats my goals as an erotic VA. Not just that, but I don’t want to risk further damage to my remaining vocal ability.

I knew there would be risks involved, but it’s not like I could have predicted the outcome. I’m sorry to let you guys all down, especially after being such awesome and patient supporters. It just doesn’t look like I will make a healthy comeback which sucks…

Sorry for going out this way. I am really sad to say goodbye to this community, but I have a long recovery ahead as well other goals I’d like to work on in the meantime. I hope you can understand the direction I’m taking and know that it was a hard choice for me to make.

I will be removing my Patreon page in the next few days or so and try to prevent the next month’s billing from happening before it rolls out. Feel free to shoot me a message here or on Reddit if you want to say anything. I will miss interacting with you all and hope you’ve enjoyed your time with me as I have with you. Genuinely I’ve had fun and won’t forget this experience! 💜

Farewell to all my amazing fans and listeners,

- SooJ


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