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We have been getting messages and emails asking us to revisit the Delphi case, and with each new update, the messages get even more eager. At the present moment, we have no plans to recover the case, and I think it's important that we discuss why. 

Richard Allen's defense's team strategy has been incredibly inappropriate and, in our opinion, unethical. They have, in my opinion and the opinion of others who I have consulted with, purposely leaked sensitive information to the public in order to paint irrelevant events in this court case in a negative light. If these leaks were done accidentally, then they are incredibly incompetent and should not be handling this case, but it seems clear with how many leaks have happened, that they are purposeful and meant to cause wide spread media speculation, especially during a time where the world seems to be going through a second satanic panic. They've done this a number of times, and each time they do it, it has wide reaching consequences. 

Originally, we planned to go over the over 100 page defense document which they "accidentally" filed publicly, which put forward their entire strategy on the case. However, after reading through the document, seeing the graphic detail they went into, and conversing with lawyers who stated that including the argument on said filing was highly unusual, it seemed obvious to me that the defense has purposely written that filing with the understanding that it would be leaked, and it would cause public outrage. Conspiracy theorists would believe everything that was said there in, and suddenly every person that had worked on the case, the victim's friends and family, and any reporting done around it would be told by thousands that they are hiding the truth, and took part somehow in the killing. 

We have received multiple emails telling us as much, with two people directly accusing us of hiding the truth because we are involved. The people who believe this believe that they are in the right, that they are protecting the innocent, and therefore feel justified in sending us threats and harassment, but it's something that is incredibly upsetting and has led to us having to take measures to protect ourselves. 

Kelsi German has talked about this kind of conspiratorial thinking and how it has personally affected her in the past, particularly in a podcast with Sarah Turney. Despite how their families have worked hard to get the case in the public eye, they have been accused of the murders themselves, with Kelsi being told directly that she had a secret relationship with her Uncle and killed her sister out of jealousy. 

It is our opinion that the defense knew that this kind of conspiratorial thinking was prevalent in this case, and purposely wanted to muddy the waters by leaking their argument. But to go further and to leak the crime scene images is horrendous. I am happy that the two lawyers are no longer apart of the case, as their actions are disgusting and unethical. 

While usually we would have revisited this case, and discussed the relevant updates, at least for the time being, we will not be. I hope you understand. 


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