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Working on what is sure to be our longest video to date. Listened to multiple audio books about this case and paid a friend to help fact check because of the sheer breadth of information that is out there, but this is one of the most frustrating cases I have ever looked into. 


Courtney Occult

Gymnastics is the only Olympic sport that ever interested me. When I first watched a doc on this monster a couple years ago I was so heartbroken for these amazing young women. The absolute audacity of this man to try to legitimize this practice is vomit inducing. Looking forward to your take and analysis


Oh man, after watching the documentary I wanted to know so much more about this. I think the fact the police initially just trusted the bullshit he spouted about the molestation being 'treatment' is a big thing that needs to be exposed and discussed. I was abused for years but because the people were 'respected' in the community no one ever believed me. I think it is so important to continue to expose that abusers can look like normal people and can be clever and deceptive in keeping their acts hidden.