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welcome to the dreading crime and psychology patreon page. I was asked to make this by a good amount of my subscribers, and personally want to thank them for thinking any of my work is worthy of payment. I currently am working from home because of the pandemic, and hope that this will allow me to work on these videos full time. 

I also want to be clear that because I am working by myself on these projects, they can be incredibly stressful. I have Wednesday's video completed and ready to publish, but have hit a sort of writers block on next Sunday's and the week afters. Not for lack of trying though, as I have been researching 5 different cases that are all incredibly interesting and could merit multiple hour videos. I am in no way complaining, I just want to make it clear that if I fall short on posting a video a week before it's published, that will most likely be the reason as to why. 

I hope as time goes on, I will be able to hire some help with researching, although I do love doing it myself. 

Thank you again for the support, if you have chosen to support. 



Justine Southworth

I can’t see any of your content on here and I’m not sure why. I’ve tried everything to fix it. 😭

Kenneth Barrett

If you have any issues seeing content, you may need to update payment method. It can only be done in-browser. Going to settings -> payment methods -> update card fixed it for me.