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Kouri Richins Can't Stop Making Herself Look Guilty

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zach caynor

Paying monthly to be left on read is crazy

Blythe Baldwin

just a small sentiment.. but anyone who is giving dreading flack for their absence right now is losing sight of the emotional work they put into their content.. do you know of anyone else making movie-length deep dives as thorough as them with such consistency? also considering the subject matter, this is not work for the faint of heart. they are delving into the ugliest and most gut wrenching human acts, relationships, and scenarios. i can imagine that this could take a toll on their mental health. at the end of the day, the patreon is not a contractual agreement where you are owed something.. it is a means for SUPPORTING these individuals.. sometimes people need to take their space and in a society that runs on instant gratification i think y’all are perhaps not seeing the bigger picture. i cannot imagine my support for these guys being so conditional or feeling the need to comment anything disempowering towards them. y’all are really showing y’alls consumerist nature.. more concerned with your own feelings and without showing any true patience or grace towards these guys. the truth is we have NOOOO idea what theyre doing behind the scenes, whether they are dealing with loss, an accident, health complications, other hardships… for every hour of content we enjoy from them they are probably putting in TENFOLD.. and yet y’all are pressed about $5? okaaaay…. just my 2 cents… ily dreading!

Blythe Baldwin

also if you miss them so much go dig through their HOURS AND HOURS AND HOURS of youtube content… i can guarantee you’ll stumble upon something that you havent listened to yet or that you could give a second listen. period ok

Zoe Alleyne

Tbh, if you feel that way then I think you should unsubscribe and maybe resub when they are more capable of frequent uploads.