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So, erm, just a quick post, but I noticed something weird:

All post here on my patreon seem to have changed to "Paid for by members", and I am not sure why, for I only charged for specific pieces (marked with an [$]). I tried to change the settings, but the usual setting where I can put in those details seems to have vanished and ... honsetly, with all these changes patreon does to it's UI in these last few month, I start losing the overview :/

Could you please give me feedback if you have been charged by this latest post by any chance?
Also, i will have to make a little overhaul on my patreon appearantly...




When looking at your previous post that you marked public from a private session, Patreon prompts me to join and blurs the post suggesting I need to pay. Seems like something is not right indeed :/.


Huh, weird ... I send out a help request to the patreon support, let's see what they can do. I hope it is a visual bug in the interface.