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Christmas Poll - or, "The Fate of Growing Gluttony"

  • look for a new writer to continue & finish “Growing Gluttony” 36
  • leave it be and call it an awesome journey so far~ 8
  • 2023-12-24
  • —2023-12-31
  • 44 votes
{'title': 'Christmas Poll - or, "The Fate of Growing Gluttony"', 'choices': [{'text': 'look for a new writer to continue & finish “Growing Gluttony”', 'votes': 36}, {'text': 'leave it be and call it an awesome journey so far~', 'votes': 8}], 'closes_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 31, 22, 59, 11, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 12, 24, 12, 34, 2, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 44}


I know you folks have better things to do on Christmas, but still…

There is some intel I would like to gather, to take it into account when I make my next plans.

In your opinion, should I:




I’ve thought about this for a while back when Dust/Growing Gluttony originally went offline and I’m still somewhat conflicted about it. This is one of my favorite fetish stories that really got what I love about gluttony through extreme stuffing (plus the fishes Lola ate) and while I’m open to seeing more of the story, I’d only feel good about it if you genuinely want to continue it and felt confident with the potential new writer you collaborate with. If that doesn’t work out I’d be fine with leaving the story be, I’ll admit I’m still curious about what you had planned for Lola and how far she’d go but it's not something I absolutely need to know.


As a writer, I would love to take on the challenge of continuing the series, but I am now a full time truck driver, so my time to actually WRITE is limited, and I'm already devoting that spare time to writing my own stuff that I want to get published mainstream. I think, if the story you wanted to tell is still incomplete, then you definitely should look for a writer whose work you like, to continue the story. However, if you are, at the very least, happy with where the story currently "ends," then by all means, leave it as is.


Oh, hi there! And nice getting the opinion of a writer with experience here, for this is a perspective I can't cover! Yeah, Lots of thougt goes into this - since simulating Dusts style is impossible without Dust, is there a writer who has a fitting style/tune for this story? Are they willing to work under the same conditions? What about communication? etc... *Read your stories btw, so I know that there a def people out there with the neccessary hard skills to pull that off, but hey, that is not all that matters here~


I would recommend reaching out to surplusexistance on DA, he's done some really good expansion stuff that I think would pretty easily translate in style to the growing gluttony series. His over medicated series lasted a while and was really excellent, and I could see him doing a really great job continuing the story: https://www.deviantart.com/surplusexistance