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I have just found out now that a good chunk of my Patreon-exclusive posts were leaked onto the website being rule34.xxx. I have no idea of knowing who has done it, and I've already done what I could by reporting each individual upload, but that doesn't make the devastation go away.

There is a level of trust to be had whenever I see a new patron come and go. I wholeheartedly appreciate the support I receive whenever someone pledges, it means so much to know people like my work enough to pay for it. That is why this hurts as much as it does; it was a betrayal of trust, and now I'm put on edge.

My exclusive posts are exclusive for a reason. If you cannot respect that, then I beg you to unpledge right here and now immediately. Please, to all my patrons who read this, I beg you to not let this incident repeat.


Shawn Heatherly

So sorry to hear that, it's always frustrating to see it happen to artists.


I heard about the leaks too, subbed mostly from that. Keep up the good work bro.