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Hey friends, hope everyone's having a great Monday!

Development's been proceeding well for the last week -- I finished rendering Carolina and Risa's opening scene, which came in around eighty-five images, with two main story branches. I want to add a couple images, and do another read-through of the dialogue, but for all intents and purposes, that little section is done.

I'm currently working on Nicki's various opening scenes, which should take me a few more days to finish. Her scenes were a little long and rambling, so I've been doing a little re-writing. Hoping I can streamline things, in order to expedite the story.

After Nicki's scenes are finished, things will (mercifully) get easier to render and bug-check, with the plot taking a more linear direction for a bit. There will be all the normal choices you expect, but I won't have to juggle various versions of the same scene. I also did some more plot rearranging, trying to make things flow a bit better, and eliminate some annoying scripting jumps. Overall, a pretty successful week!

But, with everything going so well, you know something had to go wrong. See, I'd planned to get a new demo out today, but when I sat down to begin renaming images and plugging them into the script, I found most of the number keys on my poor old laptop wouldn't work. I had to use my phone to add numbers and exclamation points to this post. :'D I'm sure it's some kind of driver issue, but I've yet to solve it.

So, with my old laptop acting up, and me stuck at my day job, I won't have the opportunity to build the demo until tomorrow. Huge apologies to everyone who's patiently waiting for it. I promise, it's coming, and more demo builds will be steadily rolling out over the next few weeks.

But hey, for anyone who wants a tiny taste of the next chapter, I uploaded a stand-alone scene in Friday's Sneak Peek of the Week. It's very short, just 30ish screens and a couple minutes worth of dialogue, but it may whet your appetite for a little while.

With my development plans for the day basically scuttled, I've been using my time to work on the script a bit more, and I'm really excited for this update. Lots of big plot things are happening, and I think you fine folks are going to dig it. And unlike the last update, we get a lot of love interests making appearances in this one -- Ashe, Nicki, Risa, Carolina, Pepper, Mason, Alex, Gabby, Madison, and Brittani! 

That's right, in the spirit of Thanksgiving, it's a pornucopia!  

Speaking of the holidays, I'm planning for a Christmas Day release, come Hell or high water. What I don't know is exactly what I'll be releasing.. (That sounds dirty.. Not like that!) I'm making good progress now, but I've got a good number of scenes left to do, including big sex scenes with two characters. So, stay tuned. I'll know more by the end of this month, but it's very much up in the air right now. 

But rest assured, I'll make sure everyone has a little something to enjoy during the holiday season.

All that said, I'm going to get back to work! I've got deadlines, you know! :'D As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




TEN love interests?! Brave man.