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Hey, hey! Hope your week's off to a great start!

Sorry to get this up a little late, but the impending holiday, early voting (local elections), and a series of personal errands had me a little tied up all day. Still, I knocked out another 20ish renders between errands, so things are steadily moving ahead.

I don't have a ton to talk about in terms of the update, though. It's the same story as last week -- write, render, repeat! I'm happy with how it's going, but it's not terribly exciting.

Soooo, switching tacks, I want to talk about the bi-weekly Wanton Weekends feature a bit. People really seemed to enjoy yesterday's WW/Kinktober entries. I think a big part of that was due to me soliciting suggestions from the community, and using those as the basis for renders. Sooo, I'm thinking I'll be leaning into that a bit in the future.

I'd kind of struggled to figure out what I wanted to do with Wanton Weekends, as it's kind of the perk for the $2 tier. After kicking some ideas around, I think it will take two main forms, moving forward:

1 - Short stories, with art by me. I've done these for Viola and Ashe, and I have more planned. Currently just waiting for the game to catch up a bit, to some of the stories I want to tell. But, I've got stories with Madison, Mason, and Nicki plotted.

2 - Bi-weekly art that's suggested, and voted on, by the community. This will help add a little extra value to the voting tiers, and I'll likely be giving extra voting power to the $15 tier. I'm not sure how exactly I'll approach this in terms of soliciting suggestions, when I'll hold votes, etc. -- but I'll likely wait until the next update is out to worry about it. Still, it's on my mind.

I always want to give you folks the best value for your support, so I'm always trying to figure out how best to do that. Sometimes that means making little adjustments mid-stream. As always, I appreciate you bearing with me.

That's it for today! But, I remain super driven to get this next update out, and I'm thankful for everyone's patience as I muddle through. I continue to have some issues with my hands which make writing a bit painful/annoying, but I'm working through it. Compression sleeves help. :'D

As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!



Bob Obo

I hope you use good typing/wrist posture


Doing my best! I’ve got a good chair, good posture, one of those orthopedic wrist things for my mouse, and I exercise a lot to keep limber and fit. But, I’m coming up on 40 and I think my body is just hitting that point that I’m beginning to feel a couple decades of working with my hands, hours spent at the computer, and old weightlifting injuries. :’D