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Hey, folks!

Work on the next update continues, but I had to switch my focus from art to writing this week. Long story short, I realized I needed to move some stuff around to avoid doing multiple variations of a scene. See? I did learn some lessons from the last update. :'D

But, that does leave me in the position of not having much to talk about this week. As you can see above, I've been working on Nicki and MC's scenes. It's always a joy to write Nicki, and in this update we'll get to see the two discuss some things they've been putting off for a long while now.

At present, the update stands at 15,636 words and 203 images, and I've got a good bit of road ahead of me. But, I'm going to keep trucking along. I always get a bit doubtful and discouraged early into a chapter, but eventually it starts to coalesce into something resembling an actual story. Right now I'm just in the banging-my-head-against-the-wall stage. :P

Until next time, take care of yourselves -- and thank you for your support.




Don't make me choose Nickizilla, don't do it :-( I'm not ready! Let me sow my oats a moment longer!


Hongfire..that is blast from the past.