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Hey, folks! Hope your week's off to a good start.

The newest chapter continues to make strides towards completion. At present the newest build contains over 1000 renders, and I have a total of 1057 renders completed. Over the weekend, patrons at the $15 level received early access to the build via Discord, and I'll be posting it here before the end of the week. I just wanted to get one more scene into the build, which features Risa.

As far as current progress goes -- I've got several endings for the chapter currently completed, and all that remains is to finish off this Risa scene (which I expanded to feature a little extra fun ;D) as well as the core sex scenes and endings for Ashe. I'm looking to get a Beta version out later this week, or early next week. Rendering naughty scenes tends to go pretty quickly, so I'm cautiously optimistic.

The big challenge at present is just connecting various scenes in order to give people the most content. See, I'd planned to have several disparate endings, which would all limit certain content from one path or another. So, you can get Ending A but you'd miss content from Ending B. Etcetera and so forth. But, early reviews from playtesters confirm what I'd suspected, which is that most people aren't a huge fan of that approach. Soooo, I'm experimenting with reordering things a bit, and trying to figure out how to give everyone the most bang for their buck. Also keeps everyone from needing to manage a dozen save files.

There are still some endings that will be markedly different from each other, but if possible I want to have the optional content available in as many endings as possible.

Rounding things out, I've been experimenting with some of HD style images of the girls, to use for panning shots in-game. This one of Gabby was just for fun (and I noticed too late her pinky is disappearing into her thigh), but I was thinking it might be cool to do a semi-regular feature for a special HD render that could be used as like, a desktop or phone background. Something to think about once I get this next chapter in the can, and have a little breathing room.

Also, while I was making that image I made a new skin for Gabby that gives her paint-stained hands. I'd always meant to do this, but lacked the know-how early on when I was still learning Daz. But, I think it's kind of informative of her character. It shows you she's a bit absent-minded, and not overly fussy about her appearance. And I'm an artist who mainly works digital nowadays, back when I was doing pen-and-paper drawings, my hands were always smudged with ink and correction fluid. So, it's pretty true to life, and I think it makes her look extra spunky.

Alright, that's all for now! As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for the support!




How many chapters will FiN have if it's ever finished completely? Love you neon btw


Hard to say right now! But, we're still a little ways out from a resolution. And thank you so much! <3


So is this the actual end of the game you're talking about?