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Hey, folks! Hope everyone's week is off to a good start.

Sorry to get this up a bit late in the day, but I had Real Life Stuff™ intruded on my day. Still, I knocked out 30~ renders today, including some featuring some annoying poses. These are mostly for scenes featuring 'early ends' for Ashe's date, if she decides not to stay for the hot tub portion of the evening. As we can see above, Guy can take it gracefully, or shoot his shot in defiance of good sense and reason.

In recent days I put out a new build of the game for $15+ patrons via Discord, as well as an illustrated short story featuring Ashe for all patrons. Said short story will give a little background for the upcoming update, but it's by no means required reading. Just a little informative regarding Ashe's history.

(Also, for anyone who missed it, I did a story for Viola in the same vein, which you can read here.)

I also managed to do something I'd been putting off today, and edited 20~ renders that needed background elements put in, for the sake of visual continuity. In the end, it wound up being way less annoying than anticipated, and I was frustrated with myself for putting it off for the last week. :'D Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today, and so on and so forth.

I've been meaning to put out a new costume poll for you $5+ supporters to vote on, too. I'm thinking maybe Madison, this time? We'll be seeing her at the end of the chapter, and while she's mostly been on the periphery for a while, her time to shine is coming.

What kind of outfit's appropriate to pick your husband up from jail? Guess that'll be up to you folks!

Until next week, take care of yourselves, and as always, thank you for your support!




Is the beta still planned for the 14th even with the setbacks? Cheers


Oh yeah, another costume poll seems nice!


Unfortunately not, as I'm still a bit off from wrapping it up. I really thought this update would land around 600 renders, and it's already blown past that. What I might do is finish up Ashe's date and then just put that out as its own update, as it'd give me a chance to see how people respond to smaller updates.


Cool, just wanted an update since I havn't seen it addressed in the posts lately.