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Hey folks, gonna make this a relatively quick update today! I'm still hard at work on the next installment, doing everything I can to wrangle this thing to a conclusion. At present, I have approximately 1350 renders completed for Chapter Four: Part Two. I say approximate, because some of those are just "fix-it" renders to repair clip-through on images, etc. But, needless to say it'll be pretty big.

I've finished all the scenes at Ashe's house, and now I'm in the midst of Viola's scene. It's a little slow-going due to the number of interacting variables with Ashe and Viola's relationship scores, but it's coming along.

Here's the impasse I find myself at: My goal of putting out the full release to patrons this weekend does not look likely/realistic. I've still got Ashe's full date scene to do (with four paths and multiple planned ero scenes), and then the couple of small scenes that end the update.

So, here's what I'm going to do instead -- I'll be releasing what I currently have, with everything that goes up to Ashe's date, as Chapter Four: Part Two. Then there will be (God help me) Chapter Four: Part Three, ending the chapter as I intended. That last part will be targeted for release as soon as humanly possible, and will likely be somewhere in the neighborhood of 300 renders. So, it'll be considerably smaller than normal.

I really, really hate to do it like this. I like to end my chapters a certain way, with a cliffhanger that leaves you craving more. But, I feel like it's been too long without a release, and it's causing me some small degree of neurosis. I worry that if I keep putting the update off, I'll start cutting corners to speed the release along, and wind up with something I'm not proud of. That wouldn't be of service to you, or to me.

So, I'm going to finish up everything to the moment Ashe arrives at MC's condo, tighten it up, check and double-check the variables, and then release it on this schedule:

  • Friday 4/15 - $15+
  • Friday 4/21 - $5+
  • Tuesday 4/25 - $2+
  • Friday 4/28 - Public

Who knows, maybe the last bit of rendering will move quicker than expected, and I'll be able to do a full release by the end of the month.

Sorry this has taken so long, and sorry I'm not going to be able to give you folks the update I wanted to. I promise, I'll work as quickly as possible to wrap this thing up as intended.

In the meantime, enjoy some teasers from your upcoming visit to Ashe's house, as well as a couple images featuring my orc character Oola, who I'd still like to make a game about at some point.. One day!

As always, please take care of yourselves, and thank you for your patience and support.




Looking forward to seeing Oola, she is cute as fuck.

Bob Obo

Shame! Shaaaaame!


I’m really looking forward to dabbling in that story. I love fantasy, love monster girls, and love the idea of doing a game that focuses entirely on the relationship between the player and a single girl. 😅