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Hey friends, how's everyone doing this week?

First order of business - the poll to determine Nicki's outfit for Chapter One is nearly over! Cast your votes if you haven't, yet.

In development news, I continue to chug right along. I've finished the short(ish) scene with Nicki that precedes Ashe's date, and now I'm finally, at long last working on Ashe's date proper. Only a few renders into it, but it's going well! Current render count stands at a whopping 1142, and I still have four scenes left. I fully expect to hit 1500 renders by the time this update is finished, making it the largest one I've done so far.

Working on Ashe's scene is proving to be a lot of fun. I know she just popped up in the last update, but I really missed writing that girl. And I'm really looking forward to showing off some spicy action with her. I think my ability to write/render/code ero scenes improves with each update, so I can't wait to flex a bit with this one.

I also locked in the design of Ashe's home, as well as that of her parents, Bonnie and Cole Kinney. It's always a lot of fun to design a new space, because I get to use it to really say something about the characters that occupy it. One look at the plants dotting the room, the family photos hanging on the walls, and the purple velvet couch with tiger-stripe pillows, and you get a sense of the type of people Ashe's parents are. I think that type of stuff is super fun.

Finally, I did a little rewriting for the next installment, adding some variables to make a few characters' reactions to the player ring a bit more true. Fortunately this didn't require more than a dozen new renders, so that process went pretty quickly.

Besides that, I don't have much in the way of news! I'm feeling really good about the update, and looking forward to never doing one this long again. :'D

Hoping to get through the scene at Ashe's home, and the following one with Viola, this week. After that, I just need to do the scene with MC and Ashe at his condo, and the ending scene.

I had one more scene revolving around Madison that I really wanted in here, but I kept trying to wedge it in, and it just made no story sense. So, that's being pushed back to a later chapter. So, bad news: less Madison. Good news: more timely release date.

I'll leave you with that for today! As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




Cole smash puny MC!

Bob Obo

Will the next update reaaally be smaller?