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Hey, friends! Hope everyone's having a great week so far. I'll be honest, my year's off to a rough start. The day job's been bruuutal. But, such is life!

Work on FiN continues unabated, with me tweaking little things in the script as I proceed through the rendering side of things. I'm honestly not sure what the render count currently is, as some are only partially done, some will be discarded because the script shifted, etc. I should have a better estimate for you folks next week. It's somewhere around 100, though. Slowly getting there!

I had to take a considerable amount of time this week ti build a few new sets, first for Ashe's house (and bedroom ;D ) and then for a new location that will tie into Mason's story this chapter. All that stuff takes a fair amount of time, but I think it's worth it to avoid using a ton of pre-built sets.

Speaking of new stuff, I needed two minor characters for this chapter, so say hi to Tessa and Erik. I'm not gonna lie, they're the worst. I mean, Tessa's kinda cute, I guess. I modeled her body off the "Mewtwo Girlfriend" meme, because my brain's rotted from too much internet. :'D

I'm going to end things here for now! Sorry to keep this brief, but I'm trying to get at least twenty renders locked and loaded before bed tonight, and I've still got some work to do.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!



Bob Obo

I’m guessing there’s a “New Years rush” with your work?

Bob Obo

Also I just noticed that Guy is reading a book with one hand in a Jacuzzi?? I know I’m on the mean paths but that’s too dangerous even for me!!


Hahah! I think I put a line in there earlier about how Guy’s been dog-earing it and underlining his favorite passages, and it just makes me want to have a scene where Madison is like, “I was letting you BORROW it, not HAVE it!”


Haven't really been checking Patreon while home for the holidays, so I'm loving returning to see all these goodies!