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Hey, hey! It's the last dev update of 2022! Hope the holidays were kind to you.

What a year it's been. I launched this little project without much in the way of expectations, only to see it grow with every update. It's easily the most successful creative project I've ever done, and the support that you folks have shown me has really reinvigorated my creative spirit. I say it all the time, but I can't thank you enough.

But hey, enough of my sentimental nonsense! You come here to know what's up with the game! Well, things are still chugging right along, and I'm making progress into Chapter Four: Part Two. Things slowed down a bit with the stress of the holidays upon me, but I managed to knock out 20 images today, and I'm hoping to do more over the next two days.

I also designed the kitchen for The Lawful Waffle, since I needed it for a scene. It's always fun mixing and matching props, and making something new out of it. I also used some resource-saving shaders on everything, to reduce the amount of time each render would need to process. Saving ten minutes here and there really adds up when you're doing big batches of images.

I also toyed around with the new opening for the game, which I plan to work on once Chapter Four is finished. I plan to have the new opening feature a little more of Guy and Nicki's relationship, opening with them meeting for coffee on the fateful day Guy's fortunes changed. My big regret with Chapter One is that I mostly tell you what good friends Nicki and Guy were, instead of showing you. 

I have a few other wishlist items for the new opening, which would include seeing The Lawful Waffle before Guy purchased it, and a brief meeting with Carolina when MC moves into his new condo, so she's there from day one. Besides that, it'll basically be what it is now, but with added variety for the spicy scenes. But, that all won't be a concern for a while yet.

I think that's it for today! I should be moving into doing the first spicy scene of the update (featuring a certain raven-haired waitress) fairly soon, and Ashe's date will follow shortly thereafter.

As always, I hope you folks have a great week, and thank you for your support!




Hope you had a great Chistmas and a great new years to come! Just found this project recently on the web not really expecting much to be perfectly honest, but I was blown away with how good and life like the dialogue was and also the distinct the characters look as well. Thanks for everything you do and keep up the good work!


Don't work too much over the holidays. We expect you to enjoy yourself and be well-rested if you want to continue putting out quality content.