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Hey, hey friends! How's everyone doing this week? I've been feeling foggy and low-energy all week, and had written it off to a combination of allergies and mental fatigue. Then came a sore throat, congestion, and a cough. Turns out I had Covid. Again. Womp, womp. It didn't hit me too hard obviously, but it definitely slowed me down. Still, I've been steadily working, powered by cough syrup and coffee. Hopefully next chapter doesn't suddenly get weird.. :'D

Brittani's Outfit Poll: The $5+ poll decided Brittani's upcoming photoshoot costumes, with goth, cheerleader, and teacher's pet comfortably taking the win. You can see an early render from that scene up-top, with a couple of tweaks to the goth look. I'm glad people seem to enjoy these polls. I like giving you folks the opportunity to take a little ownership of the characters.

Additionally, I've unlocked that poll post for all patrons, so everyone can check out Brittani's outfits. Have fun!

For $15+ Patrons: Tomorrow's "Sneak Peek Tuesday" is being bumped back by a day, so look for it on Wednesday. I've got all the renders I need to create a demo of the opening for Chapter Four, but I need a little more time to plug in all the images and test it. With me being trapped at the day job tomorrow, there's just no way to have it ready on Tuesday. So, tune in Wednesday and I'll have some cool stuff for you! :D

On that note, I'm hard at work on FiN Chapter Four, and I'm feeling pretty good about my progress. Currently I have 215 total renders for the new chapter. I'd like to have that number to 500 by the end of the month, putting me on pace for a completed Chapter Four in November.

As you can see from the images above, our good friend Ashe will make her return in this chapter. I know some of you missed her! I'm looking forward to spotlighting the bubbly blonde again, but her scenes are definitely a challenge, just due to the number of variables involved. Still, the writing side of things is coming along, and I'm successfully keeping ahead of the rendering. 

That's it for now! Take care of yourselves, stay healthy, and come back this Sunday for a special NSFW Sneak Peek!

As always, take care of yourselves, and thank you for your support!




Can't wait to see teacher's pet Brittani in action!


Sucks that you got COVID man, hopefully it's gotten better somewhat by now!