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Hey, friends! Hope everyone's doing well this week.

I had kind of a rough one, personally. The weather's getting colder, my aches and pains are worse, and my day job's been just brutal. But, work continues irrespective of my complaints!

I'm officially starting to render Chapter Four, having set up all the scenes I need for the first half of the chapter. Up top you can see the first few renders of the next installment, introducing a new love interest for Guy/MC. I wonder what she hears going on behind Nicki's door.. Probably depends on what kind of guy you are. :D

Oh, also, I did a spooky little render, depicting Guy struggling with his morality. I might actually put this into the game at some point, in the form of a dream sequence. But, for now it's just a little Halloween fun.

I'm still writing the back half of the Chapter Four update, but the first half is basically finished, besides some polishing that needs to be done. I also continue to poke around with the idea for Orc Exchange, my next planned mini-game. But, I'm having a hard time finding my voice in that one.. Still, I think it'll come sooner or later.

Also, I finally completed a goal I'd been putting off for a while -- correcting Viola's shirt in Chapter Three. So, she'll no longer have skin clipping through her shirt, when I release the next update. It's a minor thing, but it'd been driving me crazy.

I may also put out a mini-update this month, just featuring some little fixes and updates. There's still a tiny scene I want to add into Chapter Two, I want to make some animations for Chapters Two/Three, and I want to add some improvements to the GUI. Little stuff like that. This would be an immediate/free-to-all update.

I don't really have a lot of news besides that! This is just the boring part of the dev cycle where I keep my head down and keep working. But, I'm aiming for a November release of Chapter Four.

I should do a spicy patron-only photoset soon, too.. Maybe something Halloween-themed? Who would you want to see? Comment down below! :D

That's all for now! As always, thanks for your support, and I'll see you back here next Monday for another dev update. Take care!




Would love to see Gabby and Brittani in the photoset, but happy with any of the girls shedding their clothing :)


Ah, a typical "lots of things in the works but nothing ready to be shown" middle of a project period. That's always a difficult one to communicate about. Great to hear that it's going smoothly, though of course a lot less regarding those body pains. Hopefully that clears up soon! As for the photoshoot, perhaps Cassie and her "friend" did some Halloween cosplay they uploaded online...


Yeahhhhh, sometimes I feel like a goof posting these things. :'D "I'm working on stuff, and here's some of it, but uhhh.. stay tuned!" Still, I like doing these little weekly check-ins. Hopefully they instill some confidence in people that I'm not just twiddling my thumbs. Oooh, now there's an idea! A collection of faux-Instagram posts, with a Halloween theme!