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Hey, friends! Hope everyone's week is starting off right! With any luck, you've been able to play the recently released Friends in Need: Chapter 3. And if you're a $5+ member, be sure to go vote on Gabby's new hairdo for Chapter 4! 

Now, onto our regularly scheduled business. This'll be a pretty brief update this week, because in truth I don't have a lot to talk about. I've been so busy working on getting Chapter 3 finalized, I really didn't have time for much else!

But, today I started doing some test renders of the characters you can expect to see soon. I like to try to get everyone's clothes picked out and fitted to them ahead of time, so I can start visualizing the chapter, and avoid any ugly clipping issues. Hope you dig 'em!

I'm also tinkering with some of the back-end stuff on the game. Here's my wishlist of things I'd like to see in the game, with the next update. They may not all get in there, but shoot for the stars, you know?

  • Text with black outlines for better readability.
  • Character portraits beside their dialogue, and name text that's not the standard Ren'py font.
  • Cleaned-up code for the game thus far.
  • Simple animations.
  • A completely revamped Chapter One.
  • Music and sound effects.

If there's something that you think would improve your playing experience, let me know in the comments or DM! Always love hearing from you guys.

For now, I hope you enjoyed Chapter Three, and are getting hyped for Chapter Four. Things are starting to heat up for our MC and the people he cares about (or doesn't care about..) so next chapter should be pretty interesting.

Until next time, take care of yourselves, and have a great week!




I like that people change clothes. It's a nice touch that not everybody does.


Thanks! I’m glad it doesn’t go unnoticed. I even have little style guides for each character. 😅

Emmanuel Wil-Jeff

I wasn't looking at gabby's hairdo ;) but I'll give the others a look