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EDIT 9/16/22: Opening this slightly-updated version up today! This "3.1" version corrects several pieces of art that had broken links, fixes a handful of typos, replaces Nicki's appearance at the end of Chapter Two with new art, and generally just cleans things up a bit.

But, I'm still working on rendering the last dozen or so images I need for a couple of late scene additions, so I'm holding off on calling this a true "public/complete" version right now. Still, it's 99.9% there, so have fun!


Hey, friends! Whooo, it's here!

Alright, so - this version has all relationship variables and 99% of the art in place. Every scene is replete with finished art, but I still want to do animations for several scenes, correct some art in Chapter Two, and add some art here and there in Chapter Three to correct the flow of certain scenes.

So, the public version that will follow next Friday (9/16), will have all that stuff in place. But, this is a completely playable version, and as all the script variables are in place, it shouldn't break any future save-files if you play this one, and don't come back for the public version. If that changes (because my brain is MUSH right now, and I may have messed something up..) I'll definitely make it known. But, I think it's all good.

Also, I reduced all the image files' quality by 5%, which meant a 50% reduction in overall file size. So, you should have much quicker downloads, now. I couldn't notice any visible difference in quality while I was playing it, and I usually have a hyper-critical eye for that stuff.

That's all! Have fun, and let me know if you find any bugs or broken images! I'm aware that there's still some clipping issues I need to fix (particularly with Viola), but I'll knock that out while I'm doing some other stuff.

As always, thank you for your support! Have a great weekend.
