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Thanks to everyone who voted on the illustration poll! Option B won but it was so close I'm going to go ahead and do option A as well with next months rewards.

I'm going to be doing some more polls to get an idea of what everyone would like to see in the future. Until then please leave any ideas and feedback here or send a message. What are you more interested in? Illustrations or comics, fan art or original? In general I'll be looking at either keeping up with the four illustrations or cutting back to two or three a month but adding more comics pages.

Also, unfortunately, it seems I'll now be needing to distribute the monthly rewards individually through file sharing due to a high amount, around 30% last month, of patrons giving Patreon fraudulent info in order to get the rewards for free. The way this will work is, after the first of the month, when patrons whos pledges were processed ok will receive a google drive link for the files. The files will remain available for the month and then be replaced with the next months rewards. I do apologize for having to add an extra step but Patreon doesn't have protections in place against this activity other than the charge up front option. Charge up front is still in beta and not available for me yet, once it is, that will be enabled and I'll go back to posting here.


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