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So, I'm about half way through now! It's honestly not that bad, just tedious is all. About to start the scene where she gets banged by two Pillagers.  I think you guys are really going to enjoy this animation once it's out. This animation is definitely coming out this year for sure, maybe within a few months, who knows 😎. Still got a lot to do. No, I don't plan on paying someone to do the SFX for this lemme work

If you weren't familiar I'm also collaborating with the original voice actress for Jenny on getting new voices added in with custom moans (for sex stuff), voice quips, etc. so that'll be fun to have within this animation. Working with her currently on getting the Jenny x Enderman segment with custom VA work, as well for the rest of the sex scenes when that time comes 👍‍‍

Lastly, I feel bad for not posting more frequent updates about this project to you lovely people. There is A LOT in this project! I've been pretty eager to show off more snippets from this. It's been on my mind anytime I go a few days/weeks without posting. Maybe anxiety, idk

I've been dealing with leaks for a while now with any scrap of content I post here it gets immediately leaked, within a day most times. It kills my drive to wanna spoil YOU guys when there's someone that's gonna post it elsewhere thus spoiling the scene(s) and ruining my drive to wanna continue making Minecraft stuff after. To be fair, you give me $5, you get to see everything I've posted. It's a struggle for NSFW creators fr

My idea when this whole animation is ready; is to start with a few teasers then a trailer revealing more about it as its ready for upload. Figured it'd be more fun to release this way


Small collage of snippets from the animation (so far)


Agent DC



Take you’re time homie, we ain’t going anywhere


I'm honestly fine If there's not a lot of posts if that means leakers can't leak anything. I'm not here to see things early, I'm simply here to support my favorite animator

Marcel Viktor

I mean im not that long in this patreon but i think its a bit unfair for the people that are waiting damn long for it i mean i understand the issue of leaked content instantly but there are sites like sim**ity and others that are Posting every Minute content of paid of Pages and stuff like this we cant do anything about it im very sorry i feel you still


Look at it this way. People love your content so much they're willing to go through less than legal ways to enjoy it. Maybe experiment with changing up the pricing? Cheaper means less of an excuse to pirate, whilst more expensive means your supporters may be more loyal. Also, move to Ko-Fi. They charge a flat rate while Patreon takes a % cut.


17 minutes and the pillager part has barely started yet this boutta be a whole movie

Josué Soto

Come on you can do it

MadBat 123

Looks great! If I can give you some advice tho, it might be better to split the video in 3 parts and edit them separately, then merge them together at the end, less taxing on the software that way


Considered doing this. If it gets too taxing on my PC I'll split it into segments, so far no issues other than familiarity with the software

Damian Salazar

Omg Waffle I’m so excited I love her so much!!

Josué Soto

I have faith in your project

MadBat 123

I also like splitting large footage because you're less likely to overlook things, but do whatever works for you 👍


I believe Ko-Fi's ToS for NSFW is pretty vanilla so most things I do wouldn't be approved on their site


I wish leaking wasnt an issue with creators... it sucks, especially concidering its just 5 dollars and you get everything anyway... not a big price for amazing content. Support the creators, Dont steal from them.

dirty sniper

My only fear is what Microsoft might do when it comes out. We already saw how they turned on the NSFW mods


You got this T!


Still worth a shot. Patreon isn't exactly non-hostile


Man it's so shitty people would pay money to leak someone's hard work... Take all the time you need man. I support you cause I love your work, not because I expect something every day. Go at your own pace you got this 🫡


I know it's a bit odd to ask while the animation isn't finished yet, but where do we go after it's finished? I assume no massively long animations ever again.

Golden Shoes

What type of program do you use to do sex mincraft animations and editing software where you put it together?


let him cook damn it


Leaks are, unfortunately, unavoidable, but there's a silver lining. I and many others may not be here without them. There are people like myself who really appreciate your efforts enough to come here and throw some money your way. Remember, Patreon is for people who want to help artists succeed, not a business transaction. Don't feel obligated and take it at your own pace. Everyone here supports you.

Behold Man

Yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go. Can't wait, I'm so hyped for this.


Honestly if you wanna hold onto the posts until release and just do text updates I'm 100% down for it. I hate seeing the leaks too or people trying to pretend they did it. Or w/e is the case, I've watched this journey so far and loved every waiting moment. Do what u gotta do slip!

alexis d

Keep up the good work and no pressure. Release it whenever you want cause if you do now some peeps are going to spoil it that's a fact...Love your dedication and having nexs from you as always ! Take care


honestly dude, I been waiting YEARS for this animation. I dont care if it takes you one more, take all the time you need.

Craxd Head

Hopefully it comes out 2-3 months from now. This shit gunna break the whole internet dude we all cant wait for this master piece to come out

ト エフォー

応援しています!大好き!!! 日本のファンから

Lucie A.

For the leaks why don't you use the end months rewards system from inbox messages ? and just put a message like "check your dms for updates" some people do that on patreon already and it's waay harder to find their content on leaking site like "K"


For as long as I've been on Patreon I've never really considered using that feature. Might be something to look into now cuz that sounds nice. Forgot that was a thing tbh


If you're meaning where I'll post this I'll post the download here as well as making it viewable on my Newgrounds page! With their upload limit I may or may not have to split it into parts on NG. And yeah, I plan on sticking to shorter animations after this 👍


Currently I'm using Mine-imator to make these animations! Personally, you're better off learning Blender or something homie cuz MI is very outta date compared to what's out there. I've also been using DaVinci Resolve (free) to edit my project


You can do it slip!


the excitement is getting bigger and bigger


LEST'S GOOO!!!🗣️📢🔥🔥🔥

Silver Vette

im jealous of the skills on editing, i need this type ability for my own hobby lol. congrats on the work slippery! looking forward to when you finish the project!


Cant wait

Reich V

Lessssgoooooooooo 🫣🫣🫣


So excited


Seen a leak on R34 which was just so lame, a random amalgamation of clips with sound ripped from a bunch of media. Honestly sucks but I know it won't ever be to the quality of your art.


Full respect for this have been waiting ever since you started on it love u and your work keep working hard T hope you finish it soon .

That one guy

So can we expect it in a month or 2


Something something Valentine's Day

Ethan Templeman

Leaks will always happen but you still have my support

Guy ???

I will await for the release eventually take your time.


i see some funny moments here and there, i like that, keep up the good work my man


Can't wait! Personally, I would prefer a version without voice acting as I find it quite unnecessary.

Craxd Head

Then whats the point of making a vid of such without voice acting


Has it been made yet?


I seriously can’t wait for this to come out




I've had my wife watch what I had so far. She loved it so it makes me real hyped for everyone else to see it


Yo slippery, just wanted to say thanks for cultivating my horny youth, you don't get enough proper appreciation


I don't think it's going to be like, a whole lot of words. Just the various sounds they make when speech bubbles appear above their head


On my Twitter I posted an update that I'm about half way there now. (Not including all VA work, yet) https://twitter.com/SlipperyT/status/1751484159459987844 Almost to the Warden encounter though 👍‍‍

John (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-24 03:15:56 Goated
2024-02-24 03:15:56 Goated
2024-02-06 18:42:49 Goated



i want see the vedio now!!qwq


yea, we all want it now, but after waiting for this long, a few more months are nothing.


wonder if we will get more jenny x amber content

Ethan Templeman

I bet you watched for SilkSong news like I did, sadly it did not happen. Luckily this is coming soon!


I have wanted to pledge more than 5 dollars cause artists struggle with leaks a lot, some fans should be able to really support their fav creators if they want to give more than the base pledge sub…



????? ?????

Entonces cuanto falta para que salga el video completo y en donde lo puedo ver es para una tarea


Honstly i wouldnt mind if u didnt spoil us. Its also nice to have this suprise at the end


How’s the progress? Waiting is hell


I hear you I've been dying to show off some snippets with audio (finally). Had some technical issues the other day with cache data making playback extremely choppy, but I got it resolved. About to start on The Warden sex encounter so I'm about 60-70% of the way through I think 👍‍‍

Cheesecake Lover

Can't wait for this shit man. This bout to be LIT


Can't wait for the full release

FreelancerFlorida (edited)

Comment edits

2024-02-26 01:32:09 Can't wait for your return
2024-02-24 07:38:47 Can't wait for your return

Can't wait for your return


Where do we see the full vids?


This video is going to be legendary!!!

Marcel Viktor

So half way through on jan 13th and still on 27th Feb no News ya slackin? Or did something happen ? Like irl or stuff so please just give us an update man


Next update when???

Angel Huerta

You gotta keep us updated even if just telling us your alive the waiting kills us😭😭

Jetstream Raim

Chigue su madre I do pay the 5 dollars


Esto se va a descontrolar :0


The bottom middle shot, tho… finna make me act up 👁️👁️


donde puedo ver la animacion


I'm half lost, where can I see the animation?

Soluman Blevins

I can't wait for the Enderman scene!

Blade Cook

Damn, looking so good my man. Keep it up!