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sorry guys the goku drip pose has been changed to a stronger looking clap. I also added a kind of ring effect to it w/ some camera changes

Idk how he gives the darkness effect so we'll just have him clap his hands(?) so hard it makes all the candle flames blow out making it really dark

Now it's Jenny's chance to escape with the big guy distracted

On a side note, it feels nice being able to post a little more frequently now that I'm done with the sex part! Those scenes take some time to make for sure (if it wasn't obvious)




where I can find vids of old work?, all I can see is wips, I'm confused...


Yeah I don't normally post this many WIPs for each animation. You can find previous finished animations or renders with the 'video' or 'wallpaper' tag at the top of my page


Praying for my homie chicken


When can you fomd the full vids?

Mike Shine

Will I get a notification when the full vid comes out


The question is: When will it be fully released?


i cant wait to see it

ismayıl 596

When this video is ready


I can only imagine how long animating the sex scenes take lmao. Though, I'm assuming they take so much longer because you take extra care with getting the details as right as possible since they're the part most people tend to watch the most?


I bought patron, connected a discord account and still can't connect to the server. Can I get a one - time link ?


Precisely! There's a TON of moving parts to individually add keyframes just to get the jiggle/motion to look (al)right It's not perfect but that's where most of the budget goes into. I'd kill for some auto jiggle physics tho 👍‍‍