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Hey, everyone! I wanted to give you guys an update on the story direction for JOA5 and what's to come with the changes

TL;DR version below

So, I've been trying to change some of the story mostly for time management and so the Patreon council doesn't remove my animation because it would contain a dragon at the end of it. And y'all know what Patreon staff does with the slightest hint of beasty (warden might be pushing it, we'll see I guess). Which is what I wanted to talk about

Jenny's Odd Adventure part 5 summary

In the original story its been a few years since the last episode. (no pun intended) I had Jenny wanting to go to the end so she can say that she's 'slain' the ender dragon to brag about it to her friends (they don't really care) and conclude the JOA series as a whole. (I'm not the best writer) but she goes on this random nude journey to reach the dungeon portal to get to the dragon, but is faced with random scenarios along the way. Making it a bit more difficult to get to her end goal

I've been re-working the current notes I had for the rest of the animation with a friend of mine @XmantheWriter via Twitter and I think it'd be best if we didn't include Jenny getting her imaginary guts rearranged by a dragon. Now for obvious reasons this would go into the 'beasty' category which is a big no-no on this platform and in most eyes tbh

Also, not sure if I mentioned it before or not but to save time I'll be removing the random mobs she'll be encountering in the dungeon before she reaches the portal as well. I know y'all want the animation out and that part can be done for something else in the future or base from that idea. It was intended to be a segment with Jenny in random sex encounters with various mobs before she reaches the end portal just to throw in some extra spice before the final encounter

Extra notes

Before anyone asks, I have considered switching platforms on what I can post for y'all. Pretty much if/when my patreon account goes kaput, I'll switch if I need to. But for now I plan on staying here for as long as they'll have me

I really am sorry to those that were hyped for a Jenny x Ender Dragon segment in the animation. That was the original idea for sure, but I don't wanna squander what I have completed when I've come this close to being finished with JOA5. (I'm surprised I can say that now)

If you read all that, awesome. I don't blame you if you didn't. Though, please just know I intend on getting this animation out sometime before the year is over. If you've seen the recent JOA5 WIPs then you'll know I basically have the chicken segment and warden squishing left then we'll be onto the last chapter of the animation! Well, after some neat cinematography before she reaches The End portal

Thank you guys for all your feedback and support, it helps keep me in check!! Thank you all so much. Thanks for sticking around if you did 🙏


  • Replacing Ender Dragon due to Patreon's ToS / time constraints
  • JOA5 planned release year: 2023.1415926-
  • Replacing dragon w/ a large humanoid character (will probably have a slightly larger penis than the wardens to make up for it)
  • Scrapping various sexual mob encounters in the dungeon that would happen before The End portal scene



I like how you don't want to show us a dragon smashing jenny because of beasty but then show us her getting fucked by both a ghost and a HORSE, just saying


Hate to agree but the beasty stuff is why i subbed in the first place, wish youd reconsider


you should do herobrine with a giant cock

Aromatic Hyena

Anthropomorphize the dragon. Then it’s a furry, simple as that.


sliperyt you are going to earn money by drawing jenny in different scenes. that locking yourself in a single idea, of a dragon, is an exaggeration that some like. I would pay if you made animations with other species, characters, places, situations, etc, etc. You have a universe of possibilities. And I see that you will make money with your extra long extra mobs. You understand me. There's the money brother.


Yo could u do somthing with some of the rainimator characters?


Slip isn’t really THAT mainstream, so I doubt he’s gonna be busted for making the dragon scene but idk


is that really a thing? I mean dragons are mythical creatures? Hakya11s shit is straight up furry though they are more animal like than dragons and bro continues to make them without getting in trouble. Patreon is weird as fuck


Redamz also got in trouble for "incest" because he said 2 of his characters are sisters but he put them in a scene together. Funnily enough ones an elf and ones a cat girl so there's obviously no biological correlation. Patreon just has very flawed and terrible TOS


You don't have to scrap it. You can use a mega.nz to store the files and encrypt them and then post the password on your patreon once your done. Shait does the same thing and they have gotten away with stuff like it


Honestly I think it’d be better to just send like just a picture of the dragon then leave it at that, that way you don’t make patreon or your followers to upset, you can work on it on the side and just post about updates without really showing anything, leave it as a special surprise Your a excellent content creator and I highly doubt you’d feel satisfied leaving it as just simply a “larger human”. I get that your trying to make sure that you don’t get your whole platform taken down and I respect your decision 100%. Maybe it’d be better if you leave as a separate post rather than include in the series and have a warning there for the beastly part. It’s up to you and me along with many others here will (hopefully) respect your decision. Your a awesome creator and I love watching your things! Don’t let these bad vibes get ya down or discouraged 😎👍


Respectable decision. I support all your work and choices. Do what you wanna do and we'll support it!


if you're not going to do the dragon after all, then i got an idea. the ender dragon is canonically a girl. it'd be perfect for a humorous setup to have the Jean reject Jenny's advances




FULLY RESPECT AND SUPPORT WHAT YOU DO and I’m not trying to make it sound like I’m complaining but I’ve paid money to eventually at some point see the enderman and pillager scene haven’t said a word on how long it’s taking haven’t bitched or anything in the comments nothing but if I’m reading this right you’re saying you’re tossing the only part I paid money for over a year waiting to watch? And if so I please ask you tell me rn straight up so that I can respectfully un-subscribe financially


Bro shut up, you can't even imagine how long it takes to do this kinda shit, he's not gonna do it for just you

zack attack

I'm sad that the warden got cut but I'm happy that the dragon did I'm a believer in the harkness and humanoid looking characters with my hentai


Luckily for you, the warden didn't get cut, it can most resemble a fungus covered iron golem in the staffs eyes. Meaning, nothing beasty except it frying a chicken.


Hopefully after this is full produced and released, some of the cut content can be continued some time down the line. It would be unfortunate to not get what many waited for. But even then, I am sure many of us will still support you and your work, Slip!


I recommend Subscribestar as a very good alternative with Patreon getting worse by the day. Sucks to lose out on the Ender Dragon, that was something everyone was gagging for. At least we get the incredible Warden scene, that I can't wait for. That glowing cum belly... 😍


Warden and the dragon aren't real, I wouldn't consider them as "beast". Imo but the staff has the mental illness in them to cry over mythical fictional creatures.