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Even though he's blind he still knows what he's pounding. Well, probably

I was having some Win10 issues so I took my PC to a shop. Took a little longer than I wanted to get it back, but at least we're back on that grind! Pardon me if I've been a little slow with posting WIPs

Gonna have Jenny getting filled up in the classic cowgirl pose as shown in the first gif for the last position I'm working on for these two! Debating on having the warden keep pounding her even after getting a belly full of glowing ooze or nah. The big guy could go for hours but we got a portal to open

You guys remember the chicken with the poppy flower? Yeah, they're making a return to help Jenny escape from the big guy!




So much to look forward to, so many little things to give a good laugh. Can't wait for the full release!


Def would love to see the warden keep going to town after finishing for the first time


how long thiss finna be though? seems like a big ass project,i joined like 3 weeks ago


sooo fuking good

ismayıl 596

When will this finish?


it will most likely still take close to half a year depending on how fast slip will work, and what else happens in his life. this is ony the 3rd/6 major scenes in the animation


I wish there was Sound so badly


Possibly put it all into one full video?


Keep er goin

Ai Kisetsu

Worth to wait, It's the masterpiece as always.


YESSS!!!! I am willing to wait longer if it means to see her get wrecked like that!


Can't wait. Even after the first filling I winder how many more there could be *wink wonk* definitely willing to wait though.


If waiting a bit longer means more pounding, then I’m all for it!!


Any estimate on how long it’s gonna take to finish?

Jackseiteye 2342

So do you have a more refined date you think this will come out because you said there is only 1 more scene of this left so I was wondering when you think you will finish this?


been subbing to slip for 2-3 years now, on this last and final big project id say give it till summer


I'm probably late to post a comment on here, but I vote yes to the warden pounding after he's already finished