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don't you hate it when your boobs won't stop wobbling? 

Onto the cave entrance! It's just a quick trip from here, but we'll see what happens next, aye?




I like the way you’re using pieces of both the River and mountain 🥴👌


Damn it that house was from the mountain 😤 I can’t recognize it lmao


I haven’t seen all the wips but this is getting better and better with time can’t wait for this master piece, seeing the amount of wips and references I assume a 2 hour movie hahaha. Keep up the good work, take your time and stay healthy.


Everything you've shared looked really good so far. Gonna be a AAA feature length film of 1:30:00


Cant wait for the full animations!


Jiggle physics intensifies


She’s at least pleasing her audience..


I love her expression so much <3


Slip, do you think you could spread this out into parts instead of being a single 45-minute full-length... movie? I'm dying to watch the animation without having to compile WIPs together like I'm knitting a quilt... After you finished the Warden animation (which might take up to 3 months or so), it would be great if you released what you had so far and then saved the Enderdragon part for another animation or a follow-up. 4.5, if you know what I mean? It's okay if you disagree with me on this part, but some feedback on what I'm thinking would be greatly appreciated. I still love your work, and I'm excited to see what this project ends up showcasing!


I appreciate it, but I'd like to keep it all within one video! I MAY split it into two parts, but that's something I'll decide when I get all the audio work and compiling done in it


Thanks for your response, slip; I guess that is something to be decided once the audio work is done. Anyhow, please pardon my ignorance, but what did you mean by the "Quickies" when Jenny descends from the cave to the stronghold in one of your ETA posts? How long would that possibly take? Because I'm betting on the Warden part taking about 2-3 months, how long would that part take to animate?


What boobs?


I've been waiting for a long time I hope you don't disappoint me, bro

David Vega

I'm not the type to complain about wait times but wow this project has taken forever and it looks like it's going to be going into next year too. Could you post more frequent WIP's?


Looking forward to the full version! ! !


SO excited :D