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That's uh, about all I've got right now prior to the previous post. I've probably said it a million times but I've been quite stressed about this project so I've been trying to take another mental break from it but the pressure is on me still. My bad for not telling you guys earlier but I figured y'all are tired of hearing it so I tried keeping my mouth shut and only post when I've got content for you guys. I promise another WIP will come out but I've been really burnt-out lately so I apologize in advance. I've got the boys and Jenny and set setup all I gotta do now is get to animating them ripping her shirt off and we're off to a good start!

On a plus note, after some tweaking and cuts, the whole episode as of right now is now 22-ish minutes long. Was 26 until I realized some parts were too long or repetitive to watch but I still have more to add, like a prologue, a recap on the JoA series as a whole, and well, the rest after the Pillager gang bang

I really am sorry if you're not happy with my upload frequency, but it's just me and only me working on this project so it takes A LOT of time to make. I'm trying to do this project as best as I can without it feeling rushed or low-effort, hope you guys understand.




We love you and take your time


Totes understand slip. I'd rather have a masterpiece than a polished turd.


You are good take the time you need to get it done I would rather you be happy and it to look good then it to have you make you leave if you keep having that burnt out feeling


Animation is a pain in the ass, and burn-out is the icing on the cake. Take all the time you need, your work is appreciated!


Take your time Slippery, we can wait and still love you 🥰


You do you boo we here to supaot you :)

Jesus Garza

Agreed, take all the time ya need. It important not to stress out so much, I understand what that's like so hope everything goes well and keep up the good work


God damn this is going to be glorious. Where do u plan to upload it? It’s a shame you can’t have beast on patreon. I would’ve loved to see more horse or some wolves. But this is great also.


It's all good bro, take as long as you need. B)


Take as much time needed! Patience makes perfect! And you always out do us all by the show you give us 😊❤️ stay strong and healthy!


Personally, I support you to support you. Your work will come out when it does eventually. Thank you for the effort and keeping us posted. Much respect <3


Looking good Slip! Love the work, keep it up 👍


I love you and this response way more than I should, thank you so much!


Looking awesome! Take your time and be healthy. Yeah we are thirsty for some Minecraft lewd, but your mental health is more important.


Dont sweat it take as much time as you need I'm just excited for your biggest video yet definitely worth the wait.

Trystan MadWolf

As someone who has recently started animating and doing animation commissions, I can definitely understand the wait time XD animation is hard and takes a shit load of patience and time haha. Your quality of work is definitely worth the wait, alls good!

Alex Stephens

You're doing really great with your animations. I love them so much.😊 Take all the time you need.

Tommy Walker

Aye man! I'm invested like I'm watching my favorite anime! Watching Jenny's hijinks is fun and it shows your skill in animation when you do these videos! Can't wait to see the finished video! I know it'll be awesome! Keep up at your own pace. We'll be here supporting you!


The cyberpunk of animations except this one will be worth the wait


Dude, you've released plenty of content in between updates and the updates themselves show the quality of the animation is well worth the time its taking. People will be over the moon when an almost half an hour long video is out. So don't feel like you gotta be sorry for it. We all support you and it will be well worth the wait! Remember there are animators who release videos that are just a 6 second animation on repeat from different angles stretched into a 10 minute video. Your content is well beyond that!


Slip this is probably going to be your best work so take all the time you need chief it will be worth the wait. Hope you feel better soon anyhow :)

Tyler Lynch

Maybe its best to split it up into multiple JOA parts? The previous entries only had 1 to 2 sex scenes so maybe itd be better to make this a part 5, 6. 7 as opposed to getting it all into one? Idk if that would really change anything with burn oout but it might feel better to have something concretely "done." Relieve some of that pressure you know?


The fact it's only you just makes it more impressive take your time dude we don't want content unless it's well done and well polished im excited to see more from you in the future and yeah keep it up dude it looks good!


This is looking to be worth the wait. Honestly don't mind how long it takes as long as it eventually comes out 🤣 can't rush the artist if you want quality content.


Get a break you deserve it its awesome and worth waiting for

Hentai Sponge

Honestly this is worth the wait, the amount of polish and hard labor you are pouring into it shows but make sure you take care of yourself as well mate no reason to kill yourself over this, we are patient and have faith in you.


Here’s a suggestion…You could finish up the pillaged scene and then release it as like a part 1. Then take a month or two break and then finish up the rest for part 2. I understand that you want to make it all in one go but by doing it this way you would relieve a bunch of that stress and you’d get a lot of people off your ass. Either way we will still support this project all the way through.


Idk, I'd say keep the parts you cut even if it is repetitive.


Jenny being a smug gremlin is always great content.

Zero g

Is okay if the upload is taking long is just mean that you are making this project as smooth as you possibly can, and doing that will cause stress so when you finish with this project take a me time off to cool down

James May

Jesus christ the mans making a full length porn film


You definitely should be splitting this project into individual parts and releasing those piece by piece rather than beating yourself up for not getting "enough" done, when you've already done as many sex scenes as the previous parts combined.


Dont beat yourself up mate. Art takes time. Like you said, its just you thats working on it, so dont set unrealistic expectations! When its done we'll still be here and you'll still be there. After all, it's "just" porn. Things can wait.


Im curious, what editing software do you use


This is basically going to be an endgame for us minecraft horny bois


This video is going to be so long


Don’t worry about the upload schedule. Upload at a pace that’s comfortable to you and we will support you either way. Keep up the great work!!!!