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Hey everyone I just wanna let you know I'm taking a small hiatus from the computer and everyone. I'll be camping for a few days but after that I wanna take the rest of the month to recoup on my sanity and focus on just house projects away from the internet.

I've been having a little bit of a leak problem lately with my JoA WIPs and the constant bombardment of the release date for it that it's just gotten to the point where I gotta get off the internet or I'm gonna explode

I promise I'll return in August its just been difficult wanting to work on this project due to these damn impatient clowns and leaks. Should've never gave the public anything in the first place to begin with, lol. I regret everything

TL:DR I'm taking a break cuz kids are driving me up a wall and I gotta have some stay-calm juice. Plus I haven't had a proper break in over a year

- See you guys, your support has been greatly appreciated! Be back soon! 🙏



Oh yeah? OH REALLY?! Yeah, Okay.


No judgment here everyone needs a break


be safee 💪


Have fun camping :D


Have fun!


Have Fun with camping, and taking that break.


Enjoy camping. At this point just surprise release it whenever it's ready and never mention it nor announce your return.

alexis d

take care and enjoy the rest man !


Damn mate I'm sorry it's happening to you hope you enjoy camping


Enjoy yourself, and prioritize your living situation first. ✌✨ Stay safe.


Enjoy your trip. That's all I gotta say🙃.


Have fun and be safe. Honestly people do need to chill out I mean I get it's been over a year almost but still Jesus Christ, I guess that just means they really like your content.


Be safe and have fun slip!

David Vega

so we paying for another month of nothing?

Willy eilish

The things people Do for minecraft titties


So what ur saying is....We gotta beat up the kids till you get back?🤔 I'm on it


Get some good rest! Time to recharge!


did i pay $ 6 for nothing?


It doesn't matter. Have a good rest


Take your time with this your animation are amazing i dont mind that your taking a break i understand it


You go out there and you TAKE that break king 👊

Kombatant Champion

You go enjoy yourself. Take a break. You deserve it.


We can all agree everyone NEEDS to decompress before they go crazy. Relax .


Take a break you deserve it after whats been going on. Hope you enjoy camping.

James May

At least it will all be worth it in the end, this thing seems likes its gonna be 20 fucking minutes or something


You deserve it have a nice summer


Just go, relax and breath a little bit, everyone deserves a vacation from time to time and with how much you have work, you earn it... Sorry for my bad English and grammar, still $5 Worth expended


Take your time and relax. Looking forward to whenever the project is done as long as it needs. The WiP already look amazing. The finished project will be breathtaking


Meanwhile YandereDev lmao dw, we understand lol


Camping great, going soon myself. Have fun and chill


Have a good time T, lemme know if you need someone to play Terraria with 😂.


did you go to rest for our money? close donations do not deceive people

Neza Gonzalez

Take your time mate, all these horny a**holes can go find their nut somewhere else since they obviously dont deserve it. You've created some good stuff over the past year, you deserve a break.


Do what you gotta do man or women. You deserve a break for what you've done for us and the ungrateful fans who have no boundaries or respect.


Enjoy yourself and stay safe campin


Really, unless you bought the yeet tier for some reason then why are you complaining, if you can't afford to donate $10 or less then maybe you shouldn't be on here. If you have that much of a problem with T taking a well earned break, cancel your subscription and renew it in August. They don't need this kind of negativity for wanting to relax for a bit. No one made you donate, you chose to do so to support a creator whose content you enjoyed enough to justify it.

Fluffy Marbles

Take your time! Hope you enjoy your trip😁


It's really something when people don't care about content creators, some people really deserve less. But this time is about you, so have fun and focus on yourself!


Sorry you have to deal with people like that make sure you enjoy yourself my dude


Have fun and take your time to decompress internet is hellhole


You've done more than enough to deserve a decent break. I hope you can successfully de-stress and be able to come back refreshed, when you're ready. Those of us that care will be patiently awaiting your return. Have a nice break!😁

Little Nightmares

Take your time and relax the loyal ones of us will wait for your return when your feeling not pressure by the ones who rush

Asia dots

Have fun on your break

Asia dots

Have fun on your break


Hope you have a good break man.


Take all the time you need, be safe and have fun, we will be here waiting for you


take it man, u need it for your health


People who leak, pirate creators hard work are the worst. Same ones that complain when quality or content goes down. Take a break please


See ya have fun


I'm also a big fan of 2 low quality gifs a month with no end in sight on this project. Get over yourself.


Gotta milk that release date. I'll pause my donation until August then. Can't imagine charging my clients and then saying "lmao see you next month". Just seems like pretty poor ethics. If you're gonna go MIA until August at least pause donations. Again, poor work ethic to expect payment when doing nothing.


Dude just cancel your payments all together since obviously you don’t care enough about not getting the cyberpunk 2077 of animations. We all need breaks and if you can’t accept that, you might as well not renew your pledge.


I see your point. I truly do, it's a little valid and a little weird that annoying kids on the internet is enough to warrant a break especially when their parents should do a better job raising them. At the same time I doubt MCR34 pays enough to invest a lot of time in making the content. We aren't even paying him to make them, this is more so to get access to exclusive quality videos and other benefits that you wouldn't get otherwise and to encourage the creator to not quit since people enjoyed the content. If anything the word for that would be called "SUPPORT". If we were actual clients, the content would be commissioned to individuals after a payment is made between Slip and an undisclosed customer. That would then make us valid clients. Animating, rendering, adding effects after animating and quality control is a tedious process. I make demanding things for people and despite having an extremely powerful PC, professional software or just software in general can be a pain in the ass working in 3D environments. I don't get support from that I get paid to do that for specific individuals. This is just a hobby people are PLEDGING for. Kinda like art streamers/videos but it's rule 34 and it's 3D. I'd be on board with your animosity if you paid him to make something only for you in a specific time frame (you being a client) and then leaves for a month. Work ethic is a great critique but being condescending about it won't help him improve. Humans tend to do the opposite of what people tell them to do and being a dick about it isn't going to help. Call it whatever you want but at some point you should stop being ignorant. Opinions can be dumb takes at times.


A break was a long time coming, considering the consistent level of quality seen in your works.


I disagree with the people saying to pause the donations. This is a way to "SUPPORT" you not to pay you. As said in their own stuff it is a donation. Have a good vacation/camping. Come back whenever you feel ready <3


Take your time. Good art is worth the wait.


Patreon is not a charity. You are paying for the product/service in the Title & Description of the tier you are paying for. Imagine paying for netflix but right after you pay, the service is unavailable for a month.


Okay, I concede on patreon not being a charity. Though the tiers do grant the benefits that are offered. You get exclusive WIPS and gifs, title for username on private Minecraft server w/ rank perks (Minecraft: Java, HQ wallpapers (2k, 4k), Ability to vote in polls for upcoming animations, and access to the private discord server. That's what you get with emerald which is a mix of Diamond and Gold tier. None of them mention when you get them and even so you still get new content regardless. People with these tiers get access to them and can possibly get access to new ones when they come out. Not to mention Slip offers plenty of those, there isn't a single benefit from the tier missing. You still get what you paid for and in some cases, if you didn't read and received something different from expectation, it's on you. It was clearly written in bold what you get. They aren't necessarily vague either for the most part so I doubt there's exploitation there. With netflix you are told what services are available to you and when you should get or expect them. Not to mention that choice isn't always netflix's decision to make when they are available as netflix doesn't produce the movies and shows. The only thing netflix controls is their own service as an application. Once again, you get what you paid for if you read the benefits and you still will get new content when the creator makes new stuff. There isn't a specific time you receive the content you expect. If that's the problem you have with it, ask for slip to change that. If he doesn't, there isn't much you can do. It's your fault for not reading his services properly before subscribing. The point I concede is that patreon is a platform to pay creators but the tiers slip made mentioned to be support roles. So yes, in the case of slip many of us are doing this to support him. Creators are allowed to make them support roles with benefits added to said support role if the creators choose to make them that way. No rules/tos are broken, expectations is completely subjective in this case while the mandatory benefits are visibly provided.


A little common sense needs to be used here. You pay monthly to get access to content. if you're charged at the start of the month, but then nothing is beeing provided to you, you don't get what you paid for. All else that has been posted before has already been paid for. Regardless of legality (TOS means fuck all btw) you don't get what you "pay" for when nothing is being posted. This type of behavior is illegal in my country personally & anyone who even dares to even think this is acceptable needs to get off the platform.


Like I said, these are support roles. Words are very important and hold a lot of value. Providing something every month is not a given AT ALL. Its actually the norm on this platform ironically. As for legality, I live in the US where laws have a high possibility of being stupid or unethical but this isn't illegal here and it shouldn't be. By the way we literally get what he offered. Getting access to the private discord, we got gifs and wallpapers, and we got access to 2k/4k videos. What else does getting access to exclusive content mean? What you get is a collection of exclusive content and more at some point if the creator provides more which he will just not at this point of time. We have the option to end memberships and memberships on this account is based on when you joined, some people will be able to drop membership and not get charged for their upcoming month which can be the rest of this month while some won't. As for potentially new patreons this message is seen without having to donate to see it. Patreon can be used however the creator wants to use it so long as it's allowed and not predatory in nature. Patreon tries to hold themselves accountable to many laws as mentioned in tos which holds a lot of merit in the court of law here in the US. How else did H3 win the YT lawsuit. So if slip still has his account after doing this and you are able to see it somewhere else in the world, then it probably isn't illegal. The reality of it is that almost everyone does this on patreon. Regardless of all that, THIS ACCOUNT IS FOR SUPPORT WITH BENEFITS THAT IS GRANTED. Now this one is more so directed at slip. If this account is a per creation patreon, it be best to note your supporters on billing during hiatus and note it for people to see because that actually might be against tos if the account is set up that way and you don't note it.


You don't have to make excuses, your wish to rest is quite normal, we are all people and we all get tired.


It’s always good to take a break a recharge, hope you have a safe and fun trip and time away!


dont listen to those idiots just go and get ur well deserved rest


Have a great time off man i know animation is some of hardest shit to do as an artist so please take time to rest so you can make this really great animation


Yeah it’s time for you to get a good old cup of relaxation. Don’t worry about them damn kids.


k piss off then, nobody's forcing you to pay up


Enjoy man. Come back whenever you’re ready!


Hope you Enjoy your time. and i know how kids are too i got to work near them everyday and all i hear is screams


Fair point but before slip always worked hard and put in the work for his fans and I’ve been a fan for quite a long time probably longer than you bud. But anyways cut the man some slack, his content is worth the $ in the end product. Just unsub dude , we don’t need a toxic fan like you in slips crib


Just do you sht and then kill it when it comes back to grind and work time. I got you, we got you


your* but anyways see you in August


O when you become a member for five dollars when and where do you get the access to the animations